Do you name your fish?


I name all of my fish, and even manage to remember them. Though some of my freshwater schools are group named, since you can't tell the difference between them.
And what are some of your names?


Active Member
I only have one shrimp right now - buy I do plan on naming fish once i buy them.
Peppermint Shrimp - Peppy


Not if i want them to live, lol. Jk In the 200 i left at bording school we named everything.
Here is what they were:
Vlamingii Tang-Candis (or Candy)
Unicorn Tang- Barbra (or barbie)
Green chromi's- Tom, Karen, Shaniquan
Manderin-Moon Beam
pepperment shrimp-Maricate and Ashley


Yes I named all my fish!
Midas blenny- Maxine
Yellowtail damsel- Sal
Ocellarius clownfish- Junior



Originally Posted by LexLuethar
I only have one shrimp right now - buy I do plan on naming fish once i buy them.
Peppermint Shrimp - Peppy

Name of my shrimp too, almost. Since he's a skunk cleaner, we named him Pepe'
after Pepe' LePew, the amorous polecat of Warner Brothers cartoon fame.
Have two Oci clowns, Lucy and Desi
The five B/G chromis are merely referred to as "The pigs" or "The pirahnas" due their behavior come chow-time.
Have a Diodem Dottyback named Nugget ... merely because our granddaughter suggested it so we decided to go with it. Give her a break, she's only 6!
Haven't named the YT yet, other than Mr Tang ... as in "That's MISTER Tang to you buddy."


Active Member
:jumping: My kids have named our fish and some inverts.: :happyfish
Clowns-Coral & Marilen(?)
Fire fish- Blaze & Ember
B. Cardinal-Bruce Almighty
Royal Gramma- Flo (I know wrong one, but they couldn't remember until they watched the movie again
Cleaner shrimp-Juaces(?)
Starfish- Patrick
An orange sponge- Sponge Bob
Emerald crab- crabby
A big red hermit- crazy Joe