Do You Name Your Fishes?


haven't named my fish yet, I've only had them for about three weeks. Want to make sure they survive first!


Small perc clown- Nemo
Larger sized perc clown 3". Named Marlin. Found out later should have been a female name. LOL
Small Black and White stripe perc clown.- Sambo
4 Green Chromis- The Blue man group
Tried 2 different Coral Beauties- Both were named Beauty and both died. Decided to not try any more of those.
Had a lawnmower blenny named Rocky.
Had a 3 stripe Damsel named Bandit
Had some other kind of Damsel named Bile. He was pretty darn ugly. Also very mean.


I actually had a "naming contest" for my two clownfish. I posted a blog on MySpace with pics of the fish and asked friends to come up with some names for them. The winning names are Carter and Layla. I have had Eric Clapton stuck in my head for a week now!!

Here's the names of the other little guys in our tank!
Fire Shrimp - Bono

(he reminded me of the U2 song "Bloody Sunday"...weird, I know)
Cleaner Shrimp - Haruno

2 Astrea Snails - Scooter and McDooly

Purple Urchin - Pokey
White Hermit Crab - Casper

(we have ~10 others, but they are all scarlet hermits except this one, so he is the only one who got a name)
And I definitely do not believe the "naming your fish will make it die" curse. My fish was actually sick and GOT BETTER after we named her...Beth and Sep also helped along the way, so maybe we'll name our next fish after them!

(P.S. - If you read this Beth or Sep, Layla is doing awesome! The spots have been completely gone for a couple of days now. She seems to be in great health...thanks again!)


Active Member
i sorta stopped naming my fish a few years ago, but i catch my self talking to them when i am looking in the tank close, and the wrasse is swimming all in my face as i am trying to look at coral behind her, "what do you want, sweetheart?" , "get out of the camera - shot , please!" lol


i name everything. i talk to my fish more than my family.
1occ. clown-ginger fish
1ytb damsel-dori
shrimpgoby-zsa zsa speck
2paj. cardinals-trent & marilyn
3green chromis- "the bright young things"
1lawnmower blenny-john deere
cleaner shrimp-ninja yoshi
annenome-rasta (he looks like he has dreads)
a hermit crab with 3 tube worms and 2 clammy things on its shell (actually its the shells name...)-party crab
my favorite piece of live rock-party rock
assorted other crabs and worms and snails and rocks-assorted other crabs and worms and snails and rocks.
a bientot!