Do you own a Blue Jaw Trigger?


I have a question for you.
I have had an awesome male blue jaw trig for a long time and his great. He is not the problem. I have just had an outbreak of aiptasia!

I will get joes juice if i have to eventually, but I would rather try some peppermint shrimp.
Will a blue jaw eat the shrimp? Knowing they are reef safe. I have never seen him go after my snails or crabs. Just wondering about the shrimp.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Jaymz
I have a question for you.
I have had an awesome male blue jaw trig for a long time and his great. He is not the problem. I have just had an outbreak of aiptasia!

I will get joes juice if i have to eventually, but I would rather try some peppermint shrimp.
Will a blue jaw eat the shrimp? Knowing they are reef safe. I have never seen him go after my snails or crabs. Just wondering about the shrimp.
Peppermint Shrimp are somewhat nocturnal, and elusive. Bluejaws are not nocturnal hunters. I would try to get several if they are affordable and try to sneak them in and hope for the best. I don't have a Bluejaw, I have his close cousin the Sargassum though, and he is not really much of a "predator" at this point, but he would not be above an easy meal if it came about though.


I had a pretty bad outbreak of Aiptasia and I fixed the problem with Aiptasia X. Very easy to use and works.


Active Member
There is a good chance the blue jaw will not eat the shrimp, the peppermint shrimp I put in my reef did noting for my aptasia, a copperband butterfly is another choice, depending on tank size and other occupants, but it can be a difficult fish to acclimate.


I got three peppermint shrimp three days ago. The trigger either hasnt seen them or ignores them. The shrimp have taken care of alot fo the aiptasia. Unfortunatly there is some in places i dont think the shirmp will ever venture to.
I have a HUGE saltwater vender 2-3 miles from my house I asked him if he had the aiptasia eating peppermint shrimp and he said yes with a smile, he knows whats up, he has yet to lie to me yet, he is a great guy. I have heard there are 2 kinds of pep shrimp ones that do eat aip and ones that dont.
He was weary of my trigger eating the shrimp because he is so big at 7", but no $10 meals for him yet!