Do You QT every new fish?


This is probably a dumb question, but what the hell. In general is it recommended to QT every fish you purchase or say just ones you know are more prone to problems. Like would you QT a gobie(Sand sifter). On the other hand I would for sure QT a flame angel or a hippo tang.
[ May 30, 2001: Message edited by: JG24 ]


Active Member
Yes you should do every new fish, but do most of us do this, no, why, because we are impatient. Since I have spare tanks I have begun to do this tho and especially due to the quality of the fish I find at my lfs (he seems to have a lot of problems with his tanks, he would be better off not adding so many different things to his system).


Active Member
Yes you should. If you dont I will bet you, you will sooner or later aftert battling disease or parasites.


Active Member
The one thing I do like about a qt tank is that it gives a new fish time to settle in after being moved probably at least 3 times on its path to you. Some say it is added stress but I guess the end result is whether you are willing to gamble your other fish to one you have no clue to its actual condition.


You know what. I really hate to say this but I have on many occasions added fish strait to my display tank and have paid the price each and every time. I know that it sucks ( pardon my french) I know you want to add that beautiful new addition righ away, but don't. QT it first. You will thank yourself for it later, I promise. My mini reef 25gal, has 1 little skunk clown all by himself and I just bought a sixline wrass to add but, like a good girl, I QT it. I am having such anxiety, but I promised myself and my new fishy friend that I would be patient this time. Please take my advise.
Playtime :D


New Member
nice reef tank playtime, I'm thinking about setting up a 20gal reef mini tank also, I agree about QT with new fish, though what is it a good idea to QT them in a reef tank (I know its pending on what type of fish) like for instance a reef safe fish, before putting them in my fish only tank, from my past going through 6 different types of fish only one has had ich so this QT thing will be new for me but i'd prefer to be able to put them on display temporarily in a mini reef till there 2 week probation passes.
Ill probably get bashed for this, but, no I dont. I do not have room for a qt tank in my apt. Have a 75 gal aggressive and a 37 gal semi-reef. When I get a new fish, which is few and far between I carefully look the fish over at the lfs, if i am satisfied I ask the lfs to qt the fish for me for a week and every other day I will drop by to 1. Make sure the fish doesnt have any problems and 2. make sure it is the same fish. I have spent thousands at this lfs and they qt my fish and cure my rock for me....just for that reason. They have small holding tanks with lone occupants that they use for their qt..and mine. Now if a fish gets sick in my tank, problem is that I have to jam them back to the lfs. Kind of a hassle, but I got no room.


Space trigger. You are so lucky that your lfs will qt for you. Do you add copper or ick treat the fish while they are holding it? If not, you should. That is what a qt is for. That way, you shouldn't have to treat your whole tank. My lfs is really great to me too. They special order things, hold things ( if they are new) to watch for signs of illness, and give discounts and sometimes, store credit ( they let me take it home and pay payments) awesome right.


oops, space trigger, thanks about the tank, I am really trying to add some color, I ordered some red corals ( sun polyps and what ever else) I was also thinking about sponges in red. Your right about the fish only, you wouldn't have to worry as much because you don't have inverts or live rock. Still, why would you want to treat all your fish if you can prevent it by treating the individual fish as preventative? just My Opinion and I am no expert. anyway, thanks.
My other post is for saltwater maurader.


New Member
thx for the reply playtime, well I'm going to try this QT thing but I'll have to wait till I purchase my new tank which won't be cheap, then I'll just use my 20 Gal for a QT tank. :D
[ June 07, 2001: Message edited by: Space_trigger ]