do you see stars?


ok this is my ? what would be a good beginer starfish ive been thinkin about a britle start the black or green i dont know or mabe the tiger lookin 1 plz help and if u have stars plz tell me which 1s u got
thxs for your time peace

sinner's girl

what is in your tank? i've heard green brittles will eat small fish.
choc chip are not reef safe.
serpents and brittles are cool. they're fun to watch, will eat off of the bottom and love shrimp as a treat.


i got a 20 gal eclipse bio wheel i cut a hole in top of eclipse and put a skimmer vortex i believe and live rock and sand and a blower and 1 clowny fish he swims :) hehe thxs sinner


Active Member
I think one of the best beginner stars are the chocolate chip stars. I have two of them and love em. They are very hardy and very good algea eaters. And they are always out on the open moving around while brittle stars are nocturnal. They don't go good in a reef tank because they will eat polyps and corals, but they won't eat your fish.


To follow up, if you have some sort of coral and small fish, I believe you should get the red brittle or the serpant, or blue lankia.


From what I understand blue linka are beautiful, but need perfect water conditions, must be acclimated for a long time and one should never touch it...
I don't think the blue is a good "starter" starfish.
Green Brittles will eat your fish, blue linkias don't survive well. I have two black brittles that have done fine but they are nocturnal, you rarly see them. I also have a sand sifting star. He is neat but stays under the sand most of the time. I do see him more often than the brittles though. Stay away from linkias....they do not do well at all. HTH

sinner's girl

We always see the brittle and serpent out...choc. chip do clean the glass more. but the serpent has more personality (IMO) then the choc chip.
The green brittle is the only that will eat fish, I don't think the others will. and i think the green only eats small fish.
I think you should go to a few lfs and see what they have. watch the stars in thier tanks and see which ones you like.


alright cool thxs guys u wre very informative if any more keep em commin i keep checkin and when i get 1 ill tell yeah and show u a pic
later :) smile


Active Member
choc chip stars will eat coral, green brittle will eat fish, linkia are extremely sensitive. IME, any stars of the genus fromia do awesome. THey are omnivores, and will feed on algae and detritus. I have a little 2" fromia milleporella in my 30 gallon and he is just gorgeous. He just cruises the tank all day and is bright red with tiny black spots on his arms. heres a pic <a href="http://www.***********.com/product/prod_Display.cfm?siteid=23&pCatId=578" target="_blank">http://www.***********.com/product/prod_Display.cfm?siteid=23&pCatId=578</a>
sucj a cool little guy!