Do you spot feed Yellow Polyps? Xenias? Torch Coral?


If so, what do you spot feed them? The Yellow Polyps catch our mysis shrimp, but I don't know if they can even do anything with them. Would the like to be spot fed? With what? Thanks!


I've read where people spot feed their torch coral brine thats what I usually do...although only one of the 3 heads is looking better since teh hurricane


Active Member
Xenias do not take in much from filter feeding... they more absorb nutrients from the water column. The others can be spot feed if desired. Personally I like Cyclop-eeze and Golden Pearl.


Well, I'm taking the Torch Coral back to the LFS today. We've had it in the tank for 8 days now, & one of the five heads has died completely...two others are shriveling up & the mouths are wide open.
I told the LFS service guy who brought it out to put it in the tank (the LFS chose our first corals for us since we had no idea what we were doing) that I thought our lighting (VHO) wasn't sufficient for a Torch Coral. He said it would do "OK" but maybe not bloom all the way.
I say he's I'm taking it back to get something easy, but still pretty :)


Mine were doing great with vho's. It wasn't until I traded to mh's and didn't know you were supposed to trade lighting slow (they all burnt up) did I know any different. They are beutiful. I definatly plan on getting more.


Active Member
Originally Posted by cynelson
Mine were doing great with vho's. It wasn't until I traded to mh's and didn't know you were supposed to trade lighting slow (they all burnt up) did I know any different. They are beutiful. I definatly plan on getting more.

So how are you suppose to trade lights slowly?


Originally Posted by ReefNut
How much VHOs on what size of tank?? VHOs should be sufficient for a torch coral.
I don't know the wattage...we have a 100gal tank...I need to find out more specifics on what they put in for us when they built the tank. I know they're actinics, but beyond that, I don't know.


cyclopeeze is my favorite. I put some in front my powerheads every 4 days, just what ever catches the stuff gets it. everything does well in my tanks. i have a 45 gal fowlr and 125 reef.


Originally Posted by kjord97
cyclopeeze is my favorite. I put some in front my powerheads every 4 days, just what ever catches the stuff gets it. everything does well in my tanks. i have a 45 gal fowlr and 125 reef.
What do you have in your 45 FOWLR? I'm converting my 46 to a FOWLR tank. I also have a 120 reef.


Originally Posted by af_hall14
What do you have in your 45 FOWLR? I'm converting my 46 to a FOWLR tank. I also have a 120 reef.
Here is 2 pics of what i got. top is 45 FOWLR and bottom is 125 Reef
my FOWLR just has a large CPR hang on refugium and 50lbs live rock and 4 inch sand bed. basic lights 20 watt fish include longnose hawkfish yellow goby bi color gamma pajamai cardinal reg cardinal black velvet damsel yello tail damsel crabs hermits snails 2 peopermints and a blood shrimp
