Do you think it stands a chance?


Today we went to the lfs and bought a peppermint shrimp that's proably a little more than an inch. Since we've added it to the tank our chalk basslet has tried to eat it once but the shrimp managed to escape. The basslet is around two to three inchs. Is there a chance our shrimp might survive with the basslet? If not it's not a huge loss. I didn't realize that the basslet might eat small shrimp. I'm really glad we didn't get the smaller one, he was less than half an inch I think.


Time will tell for sure and I am sure you knew this answer. Could be a territiory thing at first so if later they are out together nad no aggression is happening then you can know what was happening. I would think if he wanted to eat it, he would not stop at one attempt.
You may want to turn out the lights for a day and see if things calm down. Usually you do this when adding new fish and other inverts that others may pick on.


The only reason the basslet has only tried once is because the shrimp found a hiding place in some of the barnacles. I finally figured out where it was hiding a few minutes ago when I looked for him. I hope it's just a territory thing that will stop after a while. If only my dad would let me set up my own tank I could make sure it was shrimp friendly.