Do you think My Tank is Too Crowded?


Active Member
I have a 65 Gallon FOWLR and these are my plans for the tank
1 - Juvenile 2inch Blue Hippo Tang
1 - Indian Yellowtail Angelfish
1 - Yellow Longnosed Butterflyfish
1 - Large Maroon Clownfish (with Bubble Tip Anemone)
1 - Small Radiata Lionfish
1 - Flame Angelfish (maybe)
The Blue Hippo and the Indian Yellowtail are already in my tank and don't worry about the future size of fish becuase I plan on putting anyfish that gets too big for my 65 Gallon in my 210 Gallon .. do you think that my tank will be too crowded? any suggestions would also would be appreciated ...


Active Member
it doesnt sound terribly overstocked but it wont be long before the tang and angel need that 210, oh and id watch out for the clowns and SFE, it might eat the clowns


Active Member
hey sharkboy ... thanks .. yeah the maroon I'm getting is going to be really big so that the lion or the eel doesn't eat it .. but can you go ahead and put in your vote just so I have an accurate representation ... thanks


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Depends on the levels from the bioload or overfeeding and if your filtration can handle it....Unless you just mean crowded for the fish themselfs. And that depends on size of the fish and time....


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that snowflake will get HUGE after a while and will try to eat ur other fush thats why i said to crowded.


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ok I decided to scratch the moray eel .. just in case it messes with the lion ... and for size problems .. so do you think it's still too crowded?


Active Member
Without the snowflake, I think that list sounds fine. That Hippo Tang will need a larger tank, however, in 1-2 years.


Minus the moray, sounds good, although I'd be apt to put your Blue Hippos in a harem of 3, with 2 females to one male if at all possible. They seem to fare better that way. Doing that makes them prime candidates to move to the 210 gallon tank. After that, I'd replace the blue hippo with a peaceful type of tang or surgeonfish, like a convict tang. I'd say the yellow tang, but I'd be worried about it being aggressive to your long-nosed butterflyfish because of the similarity in the coloration.


Active Member
thanks everybody .. I put the Yellow Long Nosed Butterfly in yesterday .. and I don't plan on adding the Snowflake Moray .. I have a bit of a concern though .. the Indian Yellowtail (Cream) Angelfish keeps on bothering the Butterfly .. what do you suggest I do?


Do you have any kind of netting or small container to confine the angelfish? That would work, letting it get used to the butterfly.


Active Member
I tried to catch him tonight to put him into my sump overnight .. then change the rockwork while he was gone .. then tomorrow morning I was going to put him back in and hope that he thinks he was the last fish introduced (when really he was the first .. that's my problem) .. but my plan was foiled when he decided he didn't want to swim into the big green net .. do you think I should keep trying to do that or think of a new plan .. and no if I put the angel anywhere small he freaks out and starts going balistic


It can work, but I wouldn't use a net to transfer him. Use the net instead to kind of "herd" him into a plastic bag of some sort big enugh to hold him and then transfer him to the sump with that. Nets can cause fish to lose their protective slime. Another reason not to catch your angel with a net is because some of the larger pomacanthids have spines on their gill covers that can catch in the netting.


Please do not use green nets or any nets for any of your fish. :scared: Even at the pet store a well trained individual can catch a fish in a clear container. Like Barbiganti said the net will take the protective slim off of your fish. This in the future could lead to ick or another disease.


Active Member
okay thanks .. that's a good idea .. I'll try to get him today when I feed them ... and one other question .. is it normal for a Long Nosed Butterfly to stay smashed against the glass all day? ... he never ventures into the rocks or anything . he just sits in the corner and "trys to get out" or that's what it looks like.. will this go away or is it because of my angelfish and once I get my angelfish out will it go away?


Active Member
YES!!! successs .. after 2 days of attemps I finally got him into the sump .. I had to take all of my rocks down and move them to one side of the tank .. well .. I have in him in the sump and I'll wait 2 days to put him back in the display .. the Butterfly is already looking better, he's swimming through the rocks and around where he should be now.. but he has a few things on his tail that look like bite marks though I think he should be fine .. now do you think that I should keep a light on in the sump for my angel?


You're doing the right thing Jamie. And you were right about the angel's behavior affecting that of your butterflyfish. Just keep doing whatever it is you're doing. The only thing I can really tell you now is that you really want to make sure that your butterflyfish gets a territory staked out before reintroducing your angel. I can't give you any specific guideline on how long it will take for your butterfly to establish a territory, but watch its behavior closely to see if it has a favorite rock or corner where it spends most of its time and then once that happens, give it another day or two to firmly establish its territory and reintroduce your angel. Hope everything keeps working for you.


Active Member
I think your fish will be fine for 2 years then they will get to big and your filtration won't beable to handle the load... and they will have no where to hide because of their sizes. You either will have to upgrade... get rid of fish.... or they will stress out eventually and cause numerous problems in the long run. IMO


Active Member
ok ... here's the plan ... I'm not going to get the Maroons or the Anemone because I want a Humu Humu Trigger .. and instead of the Radiata Lionfish .. I'm getting a Volitan Lionfish .. also .. in the future .. If I take the Indian Yellowtail Angel out .. would I be able to put a small Porcupine Puffer in? .. or could I do it without taking the Angle out?