do you think this coral will pull through?


I got this greeen Bubble for a great deal. Only 22bucks
problem is, it's half dead, I think. Cuz the bones are sticking out.
I have 560w of light total in my tank and it's directly under my 150w MH now.
It's been 1 day in my tank and it's looking so much better today comparing to yesterday, but it's still looking pretty sad.
I tried to feed it yesterday, it denied to eat. I tried to feed it a lil while ago, it denied to eat. Guess it's still under big stress.
I have rescued quite a few corals since I started this hobby. Thi is the latest one. I love it so much. I've been wanting one for so long and Bubble corals are ridiculously expensive around here.
I don't have any knowledge about Bubble. I read some about it lately.
Do you think it's going to make it through?
I really hope this lil poor coral comes back to life like the rest of it's friends in the tank.


Active Member
It looks completely normal to me, just recessed is all, mine has done that. First thing, what type of lighting was it under and what type is it under now? That seriously matters. Second, don't feed it during the day, it eats at night generally. You'll see the little feeder polyps extend, then try some pieces of silverside or mysis, something nice and meaty. These things are hardy as can be, so I'd give it time to adjust.


it was under the worst lite ever in the reef world.
It looked sad when I saw it in the tank. Like only a few lil bubbles popping out.
It is under my 150w MH now.
It's reacting very nicely. It has opened up 3x bigger than when it was at the store.
I checked on it this early morning and I saw the mouth was extending.
I will try to feed it after the light goes off to nite.


Active Member
Ok, be careful about your lights. MH can burn bubbles, a former friend of mine about killed his. Do one of two things: place him in the shade and only expose him to the MH for a little each day or place some screen over top of the tank to filter the light on him. Use layers of screen and remove a layer every other day or so, gradually allowing more light in.
Remember, if his feeder polyps aren't out, he's not likely to feed. But I think he'll be fine, these guys are hard. I have a nice big pearl bubble that fell on top of a torch and got the crap stung out of him. He looked like crap for nearly a week, but man did he ever pull through.


Active Member
Sure does. But there is a layer of flesh over them, it's just really fine. He won't feed when he's like that, so just give him some time. Wait until after your lights go out and see if he's hungry.


Active Member
Na, there's flesh there, it's just really thing, you could touch him and you'd feel it. But I'd leave him alone :)


The first picture looks like he's a goner I would of taken it out of my tank looking like that. Good save.


Active Member
LPS always look that bad at first it seems. My torch never did, but my frogspawn and hammer looked like death. Unless they just die off and their flesh peels away, they are likely going to survive.