do you think this will work fuge/sump


im not good with the art work but i think you will get the idea. i dont have much room in my fish room but i want a nice size fuge im going to use a 55 gal fuge and a 35gal sump d you think it will work?


I don't know if I can help much but I am thinking of doing something very similar. Is your tank drilled or do you have an overflow system? Will your sump sit higher than your fuge? Is your sump going to be drilled flowing to your fuge? I don't know what your primary reason is to add a fuge but I know that having water pumped from your fuge back to the display will kill much of your copapods ect. as the flow through your powerhead. If you already have a good population of pods in your display then it is not too big of a deal. Have you considered power outages? I know that it is a little tricky setting up a fuge under your display and making it flood proof if the power goes out.


Active Member
In my opinion the 55 would be enough. And no, the copepods will not die going through the return.


i dont think a 55 fuge and a in sump skimmer will give me much fuge foot space for a 180gal am i wrong???
and that main tank will not be drilled it's temperd glass and the sump will be as well as the fuge
the sump will be above the fuge.