Do you think?


Active Member
Do you think if you moved all of the rock, corals and fish from one tank in Ohio to a tank in Texas everything would survive? Or what do you think the die off rate would be.? Just guessing.


Active Member
Well this could be a hard question to answer. Do you have any way to keep the water up to temp? Most likely you will have die off. Not sure how much though.


Active Member
Well if you can make it in one day then you will be fine. I think your fish and maybr your corals would be ok. But if you ship your lr out of water you will have die off for sure.


Active Member
I am not worried about the live rock since I already have enough tanks set up here. I would just cure it again. It is the fish and corals. I would put them in my system already.


maybe there is a lfs that will hold your fish and such for a couple of days till your are set up again and mail them to you???


Active Member
I think you'd have some die off...Ohio to Texas isn't a short trip by car.
The rock you could put in buckets filled with tank water, and die off would probably be minimal...
The that's a bit trickier, because they need light too.
But they may very well be OK. People have done it.
A thought...they sell battery operated pumps. You may be able to set some of those up in some 5 gall. buckets to keep circulation up, etc...


I think it could be done but I wouldn't try it without battery powered airpumps for the fish and some way of stabilizing the corals in buckets so they don't get thrown around during the trip.