Do you trust LFS water test results?


New Member
Hello everyone

Newbie here.I've tested my water with API test kit. Later that day I took some water to LFS to get it tested too. Here are the results
LFS Mine
AM 1 AM 0.25
PH 8 PH 7.8
NI 0 NI 0
NA 5 NA 0
Salt 1.023 Salt 1.025
I tested S.Gravity with Sybon refractometer. What do you all think? Should I rely on my results or LFS? Oh, one more thing... amonia test result wasn't written down, they just said "it's about 1" and "looks like your tank is almost done cycling". I'm really confused.
Thanx in advance


Welcome to the boards!! How did they test? Were you able to watch? Was it a test strip or liquid? I use API myself and have never had trouble with it.
From what I see, a lot of the LFS's don't take the proper time to do the tests because they may be able to sell something as a fix to the consumer. Most times they will not use a proper amount of chemical so they can make the test kits last longer for them. As well you can do a few tests with a few different kits and get mixed results.
I myself use API and have done 3 tests in the same day to check and everything has been spot on.


New Member
I don't know how they tested. They took the water and said it would take about 20min. Meanwhile I was looking at the fish and stuff. They also had 7 day guarantee on all the fish with a water sample. The water rules: AM 0, NI 0, NA 2 or less. So on the way home I had this silly idea-what if they fake the results in order not to honor the guarantee? Is that possible? I really hope I'm wrong.
Thanks *sepulatian*


New Member
What about my tank "almost done cycling"? As I understand if anything it just started. Am I wrong?
Anyway I think I'm gonna pick up some different brand test kit and compare the results.
Thanks guys


Active Member
TBH I believe the LFS tests because I've had bad experiences with API test kits reading Ammonia and Nitrate. I think you'd be safest buying a better test kit. You're refractometer should give an accurate reading if it was calibrated. Ammonia reading of 1 is certainly not almost done cycling though.


Active Member
I wouldnt believe anything that happened "out of site" they very well could have done the test and done them correctly but since you didnt actually see it it may never have happened, next time insist that you watch the tests and see the colors for yourself. the fact that they did not show you the test results as they were taking the tests so you could see, sounds shady to me.


I do not trust my LFS with water tests because i saw the guy shaking the tube with no cap and his finger over the end...........Chances are theres a little peepee on his hand, which i would think would SEVERLY affect the outcome of an ammonia test!!!!!


Originally Posted by crystynaw
What about my tank "almost done cycling"? As I understand if anything it just started. Am I wrong?
Anyway I think I'm gonna pick up some different brand test kit and compare the results.
Thanks guys
How are you cycling the tank? When did you start? I would not trust test results that were not done in front of you. Many things can effect the results such as if the tubes were not clean, them using their finger over the tube instead of the cap, incorrect amount of testing solution, or it may have been strips. Getting a second kit is a good idea if you are unsure of your results.


New Member
Thanks for your opinions everyone! Today I got the Seachem Marine Basic MultiTest. I found it a bit more difficult to use. Here are the results with both brands: API Amon 0, Nit 0, Nat 0, Ph 7.8-8(the color is somewhat in between those two), Seachem total Amon 0.05(higher scale reading after 30min), free Amon 0, Nit 0, Nat 0, Ph 8, Alk 3. Looks like my water is low PH and Alk. I did Calcium test with API but didn't really get the results(counted 20 drops and the color still didn't change to a blueish side) The LFS that did the test came up with Calcium 510. My water temp 79 and grav. 1.025 I haven't calibrated my refractometer yet. I bought it about a week ago and I was told it did not need calibration.
I have a NanoCube 28g HQI. It's been up for 11 days now. I have about 22 pounds of live rock and 25lbs live sand. It wasn't showing any cycling signs for the first 4 days so I added a raw shrimp on the 5th day. Kept it there for 2 days that's when I saw Amon 0.5 and I took it out. The next day Amon went down to 0.25 and stayed there another day. I didn't detect any nitrites, wierd isn't it? For the last 2 days I had Amon, Nit and Nat @ 0. Any ideas on what's happening with my tank?Thanks a bunch!


Originally Posted by crystynaw
Thanks for your opinions everyone! Today I got the Seachem Marine Basic MultiTest. I found it a bit more difficult to use. Here are the results with both brands: API Amon 0, Nit 0, Nat 0, Ph 7.8-8(the color is somewhat in between those two), Seachem total Amon 0.05(higher scale reading after 30min), free Amon 0, Nit 0, Nat 0, Ph 8, Alk 3. Looks like my water is low PH and Alk. I did Calcium test with API but didn't really get the results(counted 20 drops and the color still didn't change to a blueish side) The LFS that did the test came up with Calcium 510. My water temp 79 and grav. 1.025 I haven't calibrated my refractometer yet. I bought it about a week ago and I was told it did not need calibration.
I have a NanoCube 28g HQI. It's been up for 11 days now. I have about 22 pounds of live rock and 25lbs live sand. It wasn't showing any cycling signs for the first 4 days so I added a raw shrimp on the 5th day. Kept it there for 2 days that's when I saw Amon 0.5 and I took it out. The next day Amon went down to 0.25 and stayed there another day. I didn't detect any nitrites, wierd isn't it? For the last 2 days I had Amon, Nit and Nat @ 0. Any ideas on what's happening with my tank?Thanks a bunch!
Nitrite takes a bit longer to show. It does sound as though the cycle is progressing as it should.