do you use water from acclimation process? not for newbies.


ophiura if it is for 50 fish or only one fish, the factor is it is same.
Like one being put in a gaschamper or 50 in same gaschamper everyone is going to consume gas and ofcourse everyone will react in different way and when they brought to fresh air all will try to gasp fresh airfor survival rather than looking for a better place to breath.
since I am not scientist, i go by this methode on my own.
I agree about fish having disease but then I never buy online and every fish I pick up are carefully observed for any sign of sickness.
So If the fish travelled 1 hour or 10 hours stress on it is counts and no one knows how much stress they consume. By shocking the fish to gasp for breathing the stress is reduced to only one factor that is surving. I would rather have fish react/stressed for only one factor than temp, ammo and so on.
Atleast so far there is no a lot of studies on fish stress. Few scientist that have studied disagree with each other.


Active Member
I would rather not have a fish that is stressed much at all, which is why I prefer to slowly acclimate (slowly change pH, salinity, etc) rather than shocking them with a new temperature, new salinity, new pH, new alk, new ammonia, new nitrite, new nitrate, etc instantly. That is sure to kill many inverts, for example...but fish are more tolerant of it. I think we will have to agree to disagree on this one.


I can agree with both methode, but when a fish is sick most people prefer doing a freshwater dip. which is pretty much same as mercy killing.
so if a sick fish can tolerate that kind of sudden change ofcourse a stressed fish sure would tolerate more than what a sick fish would tolerate, I do agree there are different methode that suits for different people. so ophiura we just have to disagree on it.
I assume most people don't do freshwater dip on their sick fish.


Active Member
Freshwater dips are usage specific...because a fish appears to be ill is a far cry from conducting a FW dip...
A FW dip is also a far cry from what you described as doing with your fish in relation to allowing them to be exposed to air for so long...
A FW dip is strictly (as my knowledge goes) to rid fish of exterior accomplishes this by a change in osmotic pressure...I do not know of it to perform any other function...the one key difference is..the fish is able to continue to extract O2 through its gills...
I could only imagine leaving a fish exposed to air would be like holding someones head under water and trying to get them to breath...I believe that is called drowning...


if you freshwater dip for a saltwaterfish. few dips or alot , factor is same. so you are doing the same thing I am doing in a different way.
Holding one under water until him/her can't take it anymore methode is what I am doing. Ofcourse you know your intension is not to kill so you always do the best by pushing to the limit.
Holding fish without water as long as it can survive.
it is better than taking a person dipping him/her in and out of water and making him/her gasp for breath while he/she is scared over and over. worse than holding one under water for awhile.
(BTW read that i said what i ment by exposing to air is keeping fish without water in the bag.)


Active Member
There is no (that I am aware of) freshwater dips as you are assuming. A FW dip is putting a marine fish in a temp controlled, dechlorinated pool of water with no salinity...leaving it there for about 3 minutes, then taking him out. There is no dipping as per the word dipping.
None the method, in my own little thoughts, are reckless and cruel.


ok my mistake. Freshwater dip is letting fish in freshwater like you said for atleast 3-5 min.
I never had to freshwater dip anyfish yet because of ICH.
But then again i guess i have had more succes with my methode than any other methode. I assume most of people might have had ICH break in their tank. I can have never experienced it so it does tell me that i have been doing something right. Weather it's freshwater or saltwater fish is fish and no one knows how they react to sudden changes. as far as studies they do support that fish can tolerate more osmotic changes. like dropping from 1.10 SG to 1.025 is tolerable to fish from research.
So we will disagree on it and yes my methode is crueal but it is not intend to kill a fish I bought for $50.


yeah, when i read the article, it appeared like they were talking about fish that were shipped to you from a dealer or fish that were kept in the bag for a day or two.. not the 15 minutes, or 1 hour that a fish will be kept in a bag when you buy it from a LFS and bring it home...
I use the drip method too.. but, typically, what i do is adjust my house temp to the temp of the tank so, my water that is being dripped will stay about the same temp, then i pick up the fish with my hand and gently place him in my aquariam...
i have to disagree that the "i am glad to be alive and not dead because i was out of water" will beat the other stresses.... i think it only adds to them...