Do you want my killer shrimp, or should he go to shrimpy heaven


I just snagged a mantis, anyone want him for free + shipping, or does the court find him guilty of being a bully and sentence him to the porcelin god?
Let me know or he is flushed.


New Member
you might wish to post in other forums here (aggressive setup, reef, i know HNK has been looking for one?), or the mantis shrimp forum in people there are getting desperate....
many will gladly pay the shipping if they know it's a mantis.


Can't post a pic, not that tecno without my man helping me and he is in D.C.
I looked on the site given earlier and this sucker is identical to the pic.


New Member
i think there are two inquiries in the other forums you posted to (reef, aggressive tank). if you leave it for a day or two, you will get more (in the 3 days i've been in this site, i know at least two other people posting here who want one, although one may want a large peacock mantis shrimp). thanks for your patience.


I don't know about shipping cost. I would likeit is whoever wants him get him soon I can't hold him I fear for his little evil heart getting upset.
Can you pay shipping with DHL or FED EX and have them come pick the scutter up? See what you can do! First come gets him, or he is outta here this weekend via the po poo water slide


why not try trading him off to LFS; they may want to keep as store pet or somebody else might buy from them; this may allow you to make out w/ something for it; or at very least you've disposed of it in a humane way


Had several folk contact me for him through board posting. He will live to kill again:D
Moderator, please close thread situation solved