Do zoos and shrooms "get along?"


One piece of LR i got when I set up my tank had a very very tiny shroom on it. About 3 weeks ago I noticed a very very tiny zoo polyp on the other side of the same rock.
There is no imediate peril obviously, as they are a good 5 inches away from each other. The mushroom is about 1in across and the zoo about 1/4in (maybe a bit smaller, I haven't really measured). I've heard zoos can get along with other corals, but I would still like to know if I should seperate them before they get too close (again, not going to happen in the near future, but I'm wondering anyway).


Active Member
If you're asking if they are going to sting each other, no. I have mushrooms which live surrounded by zoos....however I have had some over-run by zoos too.,


Awesome. I actually had to move the rock though, because my kenya tree seemed to be expanding towards the shroom....


Active Member
My problem is not they will sting one another but the shrooms seem to win in covering the zoos up and sucking out the light. My shrooms are finally becoming a problem and I have been yanking out the problem ones.


Originally Posted by mrdc
My problem is not they will sting one another but the shrooms seem to win in covering the zoos up and sucking out the light. My shrooms are finally becoming a problem and I have been yanking out the problem ones.
I can't wait till I have your kinds of problems