Dodged a bullet


Have a 55 gallon, with 4 chromis, bicolor angel, and tomato clown, crap load of hermits, etc.
Well went away for 2 1/2 weeks, and had a nieghbor who came in every two or tree days to top off and feed. Everything was fine until he called last week and said the a/c had broke in my apartment and the water temp was 89 (I live in ft. lauderdale) !!!!
We called the complex and of course they were out for the day (7 pm), well I left a message and had my friend float ice cubes in plastic bags to lower the temp a little. Since I told him to keep any lights OFF, he couldnt tell if anything was alive. Well it took 2 days of calling to finally get the ac fixed. My neighbor was able to maintain the temp around 82-86 (he has a full time job w/ 2 kids), still high I know but hopefully ok. Well came home 2 days ago, scared to turn the light on and well ALL ALIVE and eating like crazy, my bicolor is even eating flakes. Tough lil buggers.


Active Member
You sure did dodge a bullet :scared: You are very fortunate to have a friend do all he/she did for your tank! I have no one trust worthy to take care of my tank if I go away, so looks like no vacations for me unless I can pay a pet sitter to come in and feed/top offs.


glad to hear that your tanks ok and you should thank your friend or give a free dinner or some thing he/she probaly saved you a ton of money by keeping your fish alive hope this never happends to me :scared:
but i am happy to hear all your fish are still alive