does anemone need QT?


Is it a good idea to put my newly purchased anemone into my QT or can it go straight into my display tank? Can they transport parasites?


Staff member
Definitely NOT. Anemones will not carry any fish diseases and they must have high intensity lighting. Unless your QT is so equipped, then an anemone can not be maintained in a QT.


Originally Posted by Beth
Definitely NOT. Anemones will not carry any fish diseases and they must have high intensity lighting. Unless your QT is so equipped, then an anemone can not be maintained in a QT.
You're certain they cannot have a parasite lying on them? I mean no disrespect Beth. I am curious. You have never had an anemone carry a parasite into a tank?


I have heard from several people that anemones can carry ich. I actually had a post about this not too long ago and the answer I got was yes. I have also been told this by a few LFS owners. The reason why I asked this question was because all fish I added to my tank, only 2 clowns and a blue hippo went through QT, I then added a RBTA a month later and all of a sudden the blue hippo got ich. He is now in hypo and doing fine along with the clowns.


Active Member
Originally Posted by BellaNavis
I don't think its the accual anemone that carrys it, but the water that it came in/with, right?
the anemone is mostly water so cant it still carry it


Active Member
I plan on getting my anenome before my fish and then wait 6 weeks just in case. Same goes for my corals and inverts.


Staff member
Originally Posted by sepulatian
You're certain they cannot have a parasite lying on them? I mean no disrespect Beth. I am curious. You have never had an anemone carry a parasite into a tank?
Are there any absolutes? Likely not, but they definitely won't carry ich. A hard surface is needed for ich, and an anemone obviously doesn't have one of these. Anyway, there is something to be for about stinging cells. Anemones have to have high intensity light, so, unless the hobbyist has a pretty expensive QT set up, I see no reason to risk qting this animal.