does any one use a corallife super skimmer?

igot one and its junk! water comes out the vent hole i yuhave a super skimer you know what im talkin about. it splashes water everywhere


Are you using it as an in sump or a HOB? If you are running it as a hang on and using the bubble trap that comes with it make sure that you leave a one inch gap between the end of the return hose and the white pad in the bottom of the bubble trap. If you jam the return tube all the way to the bottom it will cause too much back pressure on the return and could be the reason for water splashing out the vent hole.
Originally Posted by cmaxwell39
Are you using it as an in sump or a HOB? If you are running it as a hang on and using the bubble trap that comes with it make sure that you leave a one inch gap between the end of the return hose and the white pad in the bottom of the bubble trap. If you jam the return tube all the way to the bottom it will cause too much back pressure on the return and could be the reason for water splashing out the vent hole.
thanks i ajusted and re ajusted it wont work


How long have you had the skimmer and has it always done this? Maybe try cleaning the return tube to make sure that there is no restriction in it. I know that there shouldn't be, but it never hurts to check. Also while you have it off clean the vent hole as well. I know that when my vent hole gets plugged up it makes my super skimmer act goofy.


My 65 works great.
You just need to dial it in right and read through the tips that are on here. It is a good skimmer from what I have read on here.


If it is brand new did ou follow the procedure to break it in? It make take a few days. Also make sure that the top of the pump is 3-4" below the water line. I am sorry that I don't have any other recommendations. Maybe someone else who runs theres as a hang on will have some other suggestions. I run my 125 as an in sump.


you may want to cut the tube on the pump shorter, thats what i had to do, even with the valve fully open it was blowing too much water into the collection cup, i just cut the tube short between the pump and the skimmer, i leave it submerged about 2" and it works fine.


Active Member
make sure your return tube from the skimmer isnt submerged too far this can seriously back up the flow rate causing just the problem your having.

scopus tang

Active Member
If you're using this as a hang-on, once you get it set right (i.e. pump line the proper length, effluent pipe one inch shorter than bubble trap, w/bubble trap an inch or so above the water line) there are a couple things that will still cause issues. Whenever the filter pad plugs and water starts flowing over the top of the bubble trap, the cup will fill with water and overflow (back pressure causes this). Also, the air hose will plug with calcium deposits and has to be squeezed to reopen and get bubbles. I finally drilled my cup and connected it with airhose to an old gallon jug to prevent the overflow problem.