Does anybody have any idea what this thing is?

sx450 rider

It has been living in my tank for about 3 months maybe 4. I only know this because that was the last time I added live rock. And I have only recently discovered this "slug". It has a white stripe down its back and it only comes out at night. This is only the 3rd time I have seen it. Is it bad or good? Please help lol I'm sorry it's a URL but I'm using my iPhone to post this because my computer is down right now, and I don't know any other way to do it...

bang guy

It's called a Scutus. It's a type of skirted Limpet. There's a white shell under the skirt that you may see as a skunk looking stripe if you watch it.


Active Member
NO! This is a great critter. Enjoy the diversity. Some are sponge feeders, but most are algae grazers.