does anybody have SPS or anemones under t5 or VHOs


Active Member
Originally Posted by mike6969n
check out the nova t5 extreme lighting system i think it is cheaper than that and pre-assembled. i love mine!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
dont bother with the nova extreme if you are lookign to keep any sps. they dont have individual reflectors and that gives t5 a heck of a lot of their punch
you dont need a lot of t5 or vho to keep lower lighting sps like monti caps or digis, but you do if youw ant them to have anywhere near the color they will with MH.


I have some very awsome SPS under T-5 Lighting. Also a friend has a total SPS tank under T-5 lighting and it looks better the most tanks with MH on them. Using T-5 I think you have better control over the light spectrum you want on your tank.


Active Member
Originally Posted by morayeels
I have some very awsome SPS under T-5 Lighting. Also a friend has a total SPS tank under T-5 lighting and it looks better the most tanks with MH on them. Using T-5 I think you have better control over the light spectrum you want on your tank.
Can I see some pics. I really want to see growth and color. Thanks


Active Member
Originally Posted by fanker
and vhos are mainly used for supplement, u never see tanks with just vho they are usually mh with vho
Before PC became popular and MH became wide spread nearly all high end tanks were lighted with VHO. Its only recently they've been used as primarily supplements because they are very cheap to retro and the actinics are still considered to have truest color of the flourescents. They can still get the job done.


Active Member
I use VHO's.
I have a branching hammer, frogspawn, green montipora, ricordeas, trumpet/candycane, pavona, derasa clams, BTA's, pagoda cup, zoos, palys, green star briarium, various mushrooms, calerpa, halimeda, leathers, and xenia in my tank that has been set up for over 4 years. They are all healthy and growing.....although some may want their items to grow faster.....


Active Member
after reading the posts on this forum and another major sw forum, I have come to the conclusion that I can keep SPS and my anemone under t5s. I am looking to get a retrofit system for my tank. I have seen some great pics and heard enough people who have done exactly what I am trying to do.


Active Member
if you are going retro look into the icecap retro with the 660 balances i dont remember the length of you tank but if it is 6' go for the 3' kits and balnce the bulbs out to your color likeing if you are looking for growth look at the acro in the middle of my tank the purple you see at the tips is the new growth and its top is at least 8" from the top of my tank and the lights are on stands 4" above so imo sps are no proble and i have a clam on the bottom for over a year


Active Member
yes you can. the 660 ballast will overdrive them which will produce more PAR on more watts. you also have to change the bulbs more often.


Active Member
check some of the major websites that u see advertised in the major mags (have multiple page adds) and they sell hole kits


Active Member
Originally Posted by fishieness
yes you can. the 660 ballast will overdrive them which will produce more PAR on more watts. you also have to change the bulbs more often.

Is overdriving a ballast and producing more PAR on more watts good?
I know that more PAR is good.


Active Member
You are not overdriving the ballast, just the bulb. On the 660 I believe it will overdrive 54w bulbs to around 80w. The 80w T5's however are not overdriven that much at all off the IC. The key with all T-5's is to make sure you take the heat away from the bulbs. This of course means running fans across them. I have seen numbers on the other board and I believe people have still gotten 14-16 months out of overdriven T-5's, with only a 20% loss in par compared to when they were new.