I've never used it, but I can speak on a level of generality...
NEVER use chemical products to suppress algae growth. They almost never work and almost always cause more problems than they solve. Using them is attacking the symptoms, rather than the cause.
A healty aquarium should have minimal algae growth when detrivore crews, flow, and lighting is applied properly.
If you have excessive algae growth, look to these factors, in this order:
1. Nutrient Overload - Check your feeding regimen. You may be overfeeding your fish.
2. Water Change Schedule - Are you changing at least 10% of your water per week? Check your nitrates. If they are high all the time, this will cause lots of algae.
3. Do you have a "janitor crew?" - Hermit Crabs, snails, etc all help control this. Tangs are very useful as well.
4. Lighting - How long are your lights on per day? What type of lighting do you have? How much? What bulbs? What wavelength? Is sunlight shining directly on the tank?
... of course, you might be "just asking" in which case I just went off on this little diatribe for nothing...