Does anybody.......


I wasnt going to post this but I have to see if I am the only one. This is more for the newbies like me....but does anybody sometime stare at there tanks with doors open and looking at the equip like you are looking at the actual tank...., maybe it is becasue I am tired of looking at rock I mean it is cool and all but it can get boring antisipating live stock....., or I am just too sto......:D
Anyway wanted to see if I was the only one...

a&m aggie 04'

Active Member
its hard to be patient, but after you start adding livestock and building your tank it will be well worth it. I think everyone has stared at their tank in its early stages and wanted to add everything at once.
Well, you are further along than I am...
I'm staring at 150lbs of southdown, 2 heaters and 2 powerheads!
needless to say it's not very interesting! I'm expecting my LR and LS on Wednesday so things are looking up!!!


pcreek I use to live in York, pa! Are you getting a lot of snow today?
Well that is cool I am not the only one. For as much headache and research and money for that matter, it deserves to be shown off as well.
I don't think it will ever stop snowing here! lol
Anyway, I'm being patient and trying to do things right with my setup, it's alot of work and waiting but the end result should be a good one(I hope!)
Hang in there and good luck!


I think my LR is more cool to look at than anything. Well hell I'm a little tippsy it's the snow in thing:cool: