Does anyone else wish Barbara Streisand would only open her mouth to sing?


Active Member
I think we're looking at this the same way from a little different perspectives, Beth. Actually, the Bible speaks of submitting to authority of government. And we are all called to serve our fellow man. This would include public service/politics-IMO. I disagree with Barbara's opinions. I agree she can say these things, as long as there is no threat on the pres, etc. I just think it is misplaced. Like you said, these folks are entertainers-who cares what they think. I can also agree that when I go to worship, I don't want to hear any political slant--that would also be misplaced.
I ramble. . .


Active Member
She is a hypocrit and this proves it.......she simply HATES repbublicans...and it is her right...
Malibu Babs: Snapshots of an eco-hypocrite
Michelle Malkin (archive)
June 4, 2003
People who live in 10,000-square-foot oceanfront mansions shouldn't throw stones.
That hasn't stopped Barbra Streisand from lecturing her fellow Californians about their energy use ("We must make concrete changes in our lifestyles to help solve this energy crisis . . . try to line dry (clothes) . . . only run your dishwasher when it is fully loaded . . . ") and lambasting President Bush's environmental policies ("Bush has discouraged energy conservation every step of the way -- suing California for passing a law requiring more fuel-efficient vehicles and even proposing a tax cut for SUV owners!").
Now, this multiple home-owning, custom-built SUV-riding, California coastline-hogging diva has lobbed a $50 million lawsuit at an eco-activist who posted photos of her massive estate on the Internet.
Malibu Babs says the litigation is about protecting her privacy. She claims that the aerial pictures, posted on by Kenneth Adelman, violate anti-paparazzi laws and "provide a roadmap into her residence."
But Adelman's site does not list Streisand's address, nor do the photos contain the star's image. Adelman and his wife are wealthy environmental do-gooder types who created a Web site to document erosion along the California coastline for scientists and land-use researchers. The photos of Streisand's home are just a few among the 12,000 in his online archive. "He's not doing this for profit, or stalking anyone," Adelman's lawyer Richard Kendall told the Los Angeles Times. "He is engaged in a public-interest effort to document the entire coast to preserve it from degradation. He's not about to carve out exceptions for celebrities who don't want to be identified as owning coastal land."
Moreover, as the editors of The Smoking Gun Web site, which has posted Streisand's lawsuit filed under seal last week, point out, maps and images documenting the location of the entertainer's property are publicly available elsewhere on the Web sites of Mapquest, the Los Angeles Office of the Assessor, and the U.S. Geological Survey. Streisand has yet to sue them.
The clear detailing in Adelman's photos, taken with a Nikon digital camera, is causing Streisand "considerable anxiety" about stalkers and undesirables, according to the lawsuit. She's mad that the snapshots show "the positioning of her parasols and deck chairs," and the location of her windows and French doors. (Well, there goes the exclusive at-home shoot with InStyle magazine, whose readers were just dying to know whether Malibu Babs' chaises face east or west!)
Adelman's Web site is dedicated to depicting "truth in pictures," and it's why Streisand is so intent on squashing him. What really must bother Streisand is that anyone can now click on the Internet photos to see her six environmentally incorrect chimneys and chlorine-guzzling swimming pool. It's what the photos of Streisand's mansion don't show -- no windmill-powered generators, no electric cars, no "Small is Beautiful" lawn ornaments, no hemp curtains in the windows of her eight bedrooms and 11 bathrooms, no Scaasi evening gowns hanging outside to dry on clotheslines that should be strung between her precious parasols -- that expose the truth of her eco-hypocrisy best.
If Streisand hadn't been such an environmental nosybody herself, she might have used this incident to highlight the unfair bureaucratic meddling of the California Coastal Commission and its supporters -- who have harassed and abused law-abiding private property owners in the name of environmental protection for years.
And if Streisand had been less sanctimonious about energy waste, she might have been able to make an issue of Adelman's own false green piety in this matter. To take his aerial coastline photos, he flies in a gas-hungry, smog-producing Robinson R44, four-seat helicopter -- which, Adelman admits, "gets about 13mpg, approximately the same as most SUVs on the road today."
"We're aware that we burn fossil fuels operating our helicopter, and sincerely believe that the environmental good that will come from this project far outweighs the bad," Adelman says. For exposing Barbra Streisand's true colors -- not eco-green, but litigious yellow -- the project is well worth a little global warming.
As for Malibu Babs, if she is truly committed to reducing hot air and conserving resources, she can take two simple steps: Stop eco-preaching and put your lawyers back in their cages.


Staff member
Well, now certainly make it hard for a girl to argue with that!

darth tang

Active Member
Originally Posted by Beth
Darth, there is plenty of lying that goes on on both sides. You can't be in politics and be a saint. So don't be fooled by the saintly rhetoric regarding Bush. Neither he nor Clinton were above lying.
I am not denying both are above lying. My main point is, in politics today, it is how you lie and when you lie that ultimately make it a breakage of law. If Bush lied, yeah that is bad, but he didn't perjur himself and violate the law in doing so. So the call for impeachment has no grounds......I believe Most at capital hill know this and why proceedings have never come about.
And Scuba, thanks for the article....very enlightening.


Active Member
I won't concede that Mr. Bush is lying, either. He went with the best intelligence at the time as well as past practice of Sadaam. That is the long and short of it. A whole bunch of folks thought we would find a bigger stash of WMD including ranking Dems and other countries intelligence agencies.
I can't compare that to the FACT that Mr. Clinton lied under oath and fabricated an affidavit for Miss Monica. That would compare to the accusations against Mr. Libby. . . :thinking:


Staff member
Originally Posted by Darth Tang
I am not denying both are above lying. My main point is, in politics today, it is how you lie and when you lie that ultimately make it a breakage of law. If Bush lied, yeah that is bad, but he didn't perjure himself and violate the law in doing so. So the call for impeachment has no grounds......I believe Most at capital hill know this and why proceedings have never come about.
And Scuba, thanks for the article....very enlightening.
Darth, you are listening too much conservative talk radio [which btw I also listen to but with an open mind]. A lie is a lie. And given the choice, I'd rather a lie happen over --- and even purjury, then a lie to get a country to go to war.
Just so you know, I'm not a liberal or a democrat. I think Reagan was one of our best presidents.


Active Member
Logically, If Mr. Bush knew this were a lie, then he would have to know Sadaam didn't have the big stash of WMDs. How would he know this? The CIA or whoever would have had to KNOW he knew. Mr. Bush didn't do his own spy work.
If he knew, then a spy agency knew, then right now they would be squealing like pigs. Don't ya think? I mean logically speaking.


Staff member
Originally Posted by Farmboy
I won't concede that Mr. Bush is lying, either. He went with the best intelligence at the time as well as past practice of Saddam. That is the long and short of it. A whole bunch of folks thought we would find a bigger stash of WMD including ranking Dems and other countries intelligence agencies.
I can't compare that to the FACT that Mr. Clinton lied under oath and fabricated an affidavit for Miss Monica. That would compare to the accusations against Mr. Libby. . . :thinking:
At the end of the day, let us hope that the move against Iraq and Saddam was the best thing to do, whether it was a lie or a misjudgment that got us there. History will be the judge of that. At this point, however, it is pretty dismal and while most US citizens believe we need to stay the course, most also believe now that we should not have gone [because we were lied to]. Look at the president's ratings.
So, you have extremists, like Barbara, who want to get even over what happened with Clinton. Personally, I feel very scared over the country's current practice of wanting to rush to impeach whoever for whatever. That practice is a BIG mistake, IMO.

darth tang

Active Member
Originally Posted by Beth
Darth, you are listening too much conservative talk radio [which btw I also listen to but with an open mind]. A lie is a lie. And given the choice, I'd rather a lie happen over --- and even purjury, then a lie to get a country to go to war.
Just so you know, I'm not a liberal or a democrat. I think Reagan was one of our best presidents.

I agree one lie is worse than the other. I am just going off of law, not which is morally wrong. Under the law Bush committed no crime. Clinton did. Which is why he was impeached. I am just trying to let people know why one got impeached for a far less offense (if you believe the bush lied statements) and why the other hasn't.
I agree Reagan was a brilliant man followed closely by JFK.
I lean more republican, but I am not above voting either party if the guy is right. I wish a JFK style figure would step foward for the democratic party, it would keep the republican party on their toes and a lot more honest.


Active Member
Hypocrites 2005
Created by JDunn on 11/3/05 at 2:23 PM
Barbara Streisand, the environmentalist, has a 12,000 sf air conditioned BARN and pays $22,000 per year on waterin her yard!

darth tang

Active Member
Originally Posted by Beth
At the end of the day, let us hope that the move against Iraq and Saddam was the best thing to do, whether it was a lie or a misjudgment that got us there. History will be the judge of that. At this point, however, it is pretty dismal and while most US citizens believe we need to stay the course, most also believe now that we should not have gone [because we were lied to]. Look at the president's ratings.
So, you have extremists, like Barbara, who want to get even over what happened with Clinton. Personally, I feel very scared over the country's current practice of wanting to rush to impeach whoever for whatever. That practice is a BIG mistake, IMO.
You know at the beginning I was for it but I felt it was the wrong time. I still feel this way. But it was the only time any US leader would ever get approval for this action so the window was there and it was taken.
I personally feel we as a country have become very impatient. The war is not going badly. Sure it is taking time, but show me a war in our history besides Desert Storm that took a short length of time. We as a whole are so self-absorbed we believed we could go in and mop thios up in a few months. That is not the case. When Bush's dad was asked why he didn't oust Sadaam the first time he gave this for an explanation. I am paraphrasing mind you, basically he stated "to do that would require a long and lengthy campaighn costing american lives and dragging on for years. Not to mention it would place the region in an unstable environment. The American people do not have the mind set to handle or deal with a situation like that." Looks like he is proving to be right.
I also agree we are so quick to point fingers and lay blame to often. The impeachment process is there as a saftey measure...not something to be brought up and investigated regarding every president. We have used or discussed this topic more in the last twenty years than the entire previous history of the presidency. That reflects badly, on the people and the office itself. It also lends a lot of insight into the minds of Americans today.
I personally feel this country would be a lot better off if all office canidates were to run on their name alone and history versus their affiliations to parties. You get rid of the parties and you remove a lot of partisanship and "loyalty voting" or "bashing".


Active Member
More hot air hypocrits.............
© 2005
Michael Moore
"I don't own a single share of stock!" filmmaker Michael Moore proudly proclaimed.
He's right. He doesn't own a single share. He owns tens of thousands of shares – including nearly 2,000 shares of Boeing, nearly 1,000 of Sonoco, more than 4,000 of Best Foods, more than 3,000 of Eli Lilly, more than 8,000 of Bank One and more than 2,000 of Halliburton, the company most vilified by Moore in "Fahrenheit 9/11."
If you want to see Moore's own signed Schedule D declaring his capital gains and losses where his stock ownership is listed, it's emblazoned on the cover of Peter Schweizer's new book, "Do As I Say (Not As I Do): Profiles in Liberal Hypocrisy."
And it's just one of the startling revelations by Schweizer, famous for his previous works, "Reagan's War" and "The Bushes."
Other examples:
House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi, who proclaims her support for unions, yet the luxury resort, the vineyard and the restaurants she partly owns are strictly non-union. While she advocates tough new laws enforcing environmental regulations on the private sector, the exclusive country club she partly owns failed to comply with existing environmental regulations for the past eight years – including a failure to protect endangered species.
Noam Chomsky has made a reputation for calling America a police state and branding the Pentagon "the most hideous institution on earth," yet his entire academic career, writes Schweizer, has been subsidized by the U.S. military.
Barbra Streisand is another proponent of environmentalism, yet she drives an SUV, lives in a mansion and has a $22,000 annual water bill. In the past, she has driven to appointments in Beverly Hills in a motor home because of her aversion to using public bathrooms.
Ralph Nader plays the role of the citizen avenger – the populist uninterested in wealth and materialism, pretending to live in a modest apartment. In fact, he lives in fancy homes registered in the names of his siblings.
This is not just a book of "gotcha" journalism, explains Schweizer. He says the dozens and dozens of examples of "liberal hypocrisy" he cites in his book "are of central importance in evaluating the validity and usefulness of liberal ideas."
"Using IRS records, court depositions, news reports, financial disclosures and their own statements, I sought to answer a particular question: Do these liberal leaders and activists practice what they preach?" he writes. "What I found was a stunning record of open and shameless hypocrisy. Those who champion the cause of organized labor had developed various methods to avoid paying union wages or shunned unions altogether.
"Those who believe that the rich need to pay more in taxes proved especially adept at avoiding taxes themselves. Critics of capitalism and corporate enterprise frequently invested in the very companies they denounced. Those who espouse strict environmental regulations worked vigorously to sidestep them when it came to their own businesses and properties. Those who advocate steep inheritance taxes to promote fairer income distribution hid their investments in trusts or exotic overseas locales to reduce their own tax liability. Those who are strong proponents of affirmative action rarely practiced it themselves, and some had abysmal records when it came to hiring minorities. Those who proclaim themselves champions of civil liberties when it comes to criminal or terrorist cases went to extraordinary lengths to curtail the civil liberties of others when they felt threatened or just inconvenienced. Advocates of gun control had no problem making sure that an arsenal of weapons was available to protect them from dangerous criminals."


Active Member
Barb the HYPOCRITE...more evidence.....
Barbara Streisand has been branded a hypocrite after refusing to turn down her air conditioning despite telling fellow Californians to cut back on electricity during the state's current energy crisis. On her website, the legendary singer implores fellow Californians to turn their thermostats up. However, employees for the 59-year-old diva have claimed she routinely keeps the central air conditioning blasting in her many homes - including her Manhattan penthouse - even when she is thousands of miles away. One unnamed employee told reporters: "She is someone who cannot be hot, not even for a minute. Maybe it's menopause, but she refuses to sweat. She freaks if she walks into a warm room."


Active Member
Originally Posted by lovethesea
So I am going to go out on a limb Scuba and guess that you have all of Babs' Greatest Hits??

Nope..I'm a classic ROck & Roller. She is talented if you like that style music ....and she also is an expert at situational ehics. ...she's perfected it


Active Member
Originally Posted by Farmboy
Logically, If Mr. Bush knew this were a lie, then he would have to know Sadaam didn't have the big stash of WMDs. How would he know this? The CIA or whoever would have had to KNOW he knew. Mr. Bush didn't do his own spy work.
If he knew, then a spy agency knew, then right now they would be squealing like pigs. Don't ya think? I mean logically speaking.
The weapons were moved to Syria prior to the war.


So.... now is Syria the country that has WMD...
and they don't like us either .... :help: what are we going to do.....
I know lets invade them, and if we do not find any, then we'll spin it to make it look like we are liberating an oppressed country... it has worked before....

darth tang

Active Member
Quotes from two of Bush's biggest detractors on the Iraq war. Hypocrisy?
"We have known for many years that Saddam Hussein is seeking and developing weapons of mass destruction." -- Ted Kennedy, September 27, 2002
"There is no doubt that Saddam Hussein's regime is a serious danger, that he is a tyrant, and that his pursuit of lethal weapons of mass destruction cannot be tolerated. He must be disarmed." -- Ted Kennedy, Sept 27, 2002
"In the four years since the inspectors left, intelligence reports show that Saddam Hussein has worked to rebuild his chemical and biological weapons stock, his missile delivery capability, and his nuclear program. He has also given aid, comfort, and sanctuary to terrorists, including Al Qaeda members, though there is apparently no evidence of his involvement in the terrible events of September 11, 2001. It is clear, however, that if left unchecked, Saddam Hussein will continue to increase his capacity to wage biological and chemical warfare, and will keep trying to develop nuclear weapons. Should he succeed in that endeavor, he could alter the political and security landscape of the Middle East, which as we know all too well affects American security." -- Hillary Clinton, October 10, 2002
I still wonder......why they changed their tune.


Active Member
More hypocrisy form Hollywood...these self-appointed "do-gooders" are AMAZING...
Does Moore share the stock proceeds of his "foundation" with charitable causes, you might ask?
Schweizer found that "for a man who by 2002 had a net worth in eight figures, he gave away a modest $36,000 through the foundation, much of it to his friends in the film business or tony cultural organizations that later provided him with venues to promote his books and film."
Moore's hypocrisy doesn't end with his financial holdings.
He has criticized the journalism industry and Hollywood for their lack of African-Americans in prominent positions, and in 1998 he said he personally wanted to hire minorities "who come from the working class."
In "Stupid White Men," he proclaimed his plans to "hire only black people."
But when Schweizer checked the senior credits for Moore's latest film "Fahrenheit 911," he found that of the movie's 14 producers, three editors, production manager and production coordinator, all 19 were white. So were all three cameramen and the two people who did the original music.
On "Bowling for Columbine," 13 of the 14 producers were white, as were the two executives in charge of production, the cameramen, the film editor and the music composer.
His show "TV Nation" had 13 producers, four film editors and 10 writers – but not a single African-American among them.
And as for Moore's insistence on portraying himself as "working class" and an "average Joe," Schweizer recounts this anecdote:
"When Moore flew to London to visit people at the BBC or promote a film, he took the Concorde and stayed at the Ritz. But he also allegedly booked a room at a cheap hotel down the street where he could meet with journalists and pose as a ‘man of humble circumstances.'"
That's hypocrisy with a capital H!