Does anyone had Sea turtle before?


I am going to that livestock store tomorrow afternoon - I will grab the name of the turtle. The name and price of the turtle are on the same sign as the price on the crushed rubble rock in the tank.
If I remember right, it is called something like a spiny back turtle, I could be completely wrong I will confirm it tomorrow.
Not gonna go in the fish store with my Digital Camera but I'll atleast get the species of the turtle.


Active Member
Doesn't look like a problem then.....they are very common off the coast off America, I don't think they are endangered, and they are said to taste great......hehe, that is true I guess, they were almost eaten out of existence at one point. Doesn't sound like a job for PETA.


Diamondback terrapins (Malaclemys terrapin) are North American turtles that live in salt marshes and nearby tidal waters. They were once fed to the slaves and then used for turtle soup, the soup of the rich, in late 1800's and early 1900's becoming almost extinct. Until people's tastes changed and laws were passed to protect them thus making it possible for them to slowly rebuid their population.


Active Member
PTA protects animals from that...
No they don't. PETA is a radical, disillusioned group lead by a following mostly of famous idiots. They want to get rid of fishing, hunting, and just about everything else. They tried to make the Boy Scouts of America revoke their fishing merit badge. PETA has a campaign out right now comparing the slaughter of poultry to the Holocaust. They are comparing the deaths of animals for human consumption to the systematic killing of over 6 million people. Being Jewish, it is one of the most offense things I've ever seen (I'm hardly offened too.) I could go on and on, but frankly they aren't worth my time. Bo


Active Member
some friends of mine visited idaho last summer. any of you from idaho feel free to correct me if this isn't the case.
a few years ago, some rich people were vacationing in idaho and were upset that they didn't hear a wolf howl. after all, the wolf used to be there. so, these tourists make it there mission to get wolves back into idaho. well, i don't know if PETA got involved, but it reaks of them. anyway, now millions of dollars are being spent on putting wolves back into idaho. those that live that part of idaho are irate because the wolves so regularly come and drag off one of their livestock. I believe they said that can't do anything to even stop the wolf from taking the animal. and basically, the wolves are totally messing up the ecosystem. so, it is costing millions of dollars to bring wolves in, just so they can do millions (ok, probably not that much) of dollars in damages, all so some tourists can hear a wolf howl when they come visit the state once every few years.
another favorite of mine is when they spent millions saving ONE baby seal from death. they had a grand celebration as they then set this very expensive seal free into the water, only to have it be immediately swallowed by a killer whale, a short distance from the boat. hehe, they can't get upset about that one, it was natural!


Well all I can say is they are idiots. Im not going to start because I could go on and on. I live in Texas and the biggest thing here is hunting. Id love to see them come over here and try to stop it.


Active Member
Hey Krish, my Spanish teacher read that to us last Monday, as a part of Motivational Monday section called "And You Think Your Life Is Bad." Well, anyways, it was TWO Seals, and at about 100K a pop for their rehabilitation and such. Man, that was one expensive meal that they bought for that Whale.
Eyeballed the turtle in question today. Alive and well and NOT an endangered species.
BTW is a BMW Z8, not a Mercedes. :D
Sometimes I just HATE going into that store. I ALWAYS end up spending waaaay more than was my intention. Sadly, today was no exception. :eek: