Does Anyone Have A Valentini Puffer In Reef


Does anyone have a valentini puffer in a reef tank that has shrimp in the tank? I have been given one and will be picking him up on Sunday. Is he safe for my reef/coral tank? Thanks for feedback.


I have a valentini puffer in my reef. I have 3 peppermint shrimp and a cleaner shrimp that are all fine. However I no longer have snails. He destroyed about 20 snails in a week. He even took down a large 2" fancy Nassurius snail that was almost as large as him. That said it is a trade off I am willing to make.


Active Member
Might pick at Corals(and live rock and thermometers and anything else in your tank including the glass lol), but isn't a coral eater. Will possibly eat Starfish, Shrimp, Urchins, Crabs, and almost certainly Snails. Add with caution.


i have one in my small reef too. he picks at my brain, digitata, and red cap. also destroyed my snails but has not touched my shrimps.