Does anyone have any info on pulsing sinularia?


I recently got an established colony of pulsing sinularia, it was fine after settling in for over 2 weeks. Up untill about 4 days ago, it now has a shiny look to it & doesn't open up at all. Could it be moulting, or is it going through a stage of something? Any & all help would be greatly appreciated...


Active Member
Originally Posted by gurgle
I recently got an established colony of pulsing sinularia, it was fine after settling in for over 2 weeks. Up untill about 4 days ago, it now has a shiny look to it & doesn't open up at all. Could it be moulting, or is it going through a stage of something? Any & all help would be greatly appreciated...

I think you mean pulsing Xenia???


New Member
Sounds like it is shedding all of my leathers do this occasionaly.Test your water just to be safe.Does the pulsing sinularia pulse for you?I've seen it in tanks where it does and some tanks where it does not.Where in Pa are you?


Yes, MX#27, pulsing sinularia... And to Nate4546, it did actually pulse for a couple of weeks there, but now it doesn't open at all. Could it be the calcium being high, maybe? & how can I get the calcium down? Did a water change of 25% today, Kent salt doesn't say if it has calcium in it, but it must, our calcium level didn't come down. All my other leathers shed too, but this is now going on over a week now & no shed. I'm from Shenandoah, Pa. , about an hr. east of you. Thanks...


Active Member
Originally Posted by gurgle
Yes, MX#27, pulsing sinularia... And to Nate4546, it did actually pulse for a couple of weeks there, but now it doesn't open at all. Could it be the calcium being high, maybe? & how can I get the calcium down? Did a water change of 25% today, Kent salt doesn't say if it has calcium in it, but it must, our calcium level didn't come down. All my other leathers shed too, but this is now going on over a week now & no shed. I'm from Shenandoah, Pa. , about an hr. east of you. Thanks...

Good deal. Sorry to doubt you, but pulsing sinularias are much rarer than xenia and I figured you might have them confused. My bad.
What kind of flow and lighting is the leather in ?? Calcium really shouldn't have significant impact on a soft coral unless it's really throwing your other parameters out of whack.


The lighting is 520 watt power compact in my 75 gal. tank. I had it up high in low flow, just earlier I put it on the sand & in med. flow. Hopefully this will help it.???


Active Member
Sinualria are pretty light adaptable, though they'll appreciate high lighting. However, they really require decent flow. I've found that a moderate, variable flow makes the leathers the happiest. You said that it had a shiny look to it and didn't open up which makes me think that it is shedding. This can happen whether the coral is happy or not, but the right amount of flow should help guarantee that it will come back out in good health when it's done.
You say you have other leathers? Are they doing okay??
Any parameters gone astray?


All tests are fine, and all of my other leathers are doing great. I'll try putting it in a higher flow area. I'll keep you posted on it. Thanks so much for all your help, hopefully it's just shedding...


Just an update, the person I purchased it from, said it grew in the back under a shelf of frags, it fell there, low light. So, I could've "sunburned" it by placing it up high in my tank, when I put it in the sandbed, within 2 days it came back around & shed , or maybe it was just shedding. This one took soooo long though, that's why I think I sunburned it...oops!!!! It's now back to normal, eating & plumped up!
Thanks for all your help!!!


Active Member
Originally Posted by gurgle
Just an update, the person I purchased it from, said it grew in the back under a shelf of frags, it fell there, low light. So, I could've "sunburned" it by placing it up high in my tank, when I put it in the sandbed, within 2 days it came back around & shed , or maybe it was just shedding. This one took soooo long though, that's why I think I sunburned it...oops!!!! It's now back to normal, eating & plumped up!
Thanks for all your help!!!

Fantastic! I demand photos.