Does anyone have or had an Octopus?


I have noticed through these threads that there is not much info on aquarium octopus'. I was just wondering if anyone out there has ever owned one and the difficulty level??? I know some of the basics like they don't have a long life span whether captive or in the wild, I know they need a very secure tank to prevent it from escaping, I am familar with there diet and that they are very intelligent.... Please any all and all knowledge is greatly appreciated......


I have a funny story about an octopus that was kept in a class room at the university of montana in missoula. what happend was that about 15 saltwater tanks were set up to study various marine animals. their were fish and inverts. there was an octopus in one of the tanks.
One morning the class came in and one of the fish was gone. the class couldn't figure it out. the next morning the animal was gone from the next tank over. this continued for many nights. the teachers were accusing students of stealing, but everbody denied that.
then one morning they found the culprit. they found the octopus on the floor.( he was able to have a final meal, because no other animal was left alive in the tanks. Apparenty he would open the lid get out climb over all the tanks find and eat the animal he wanted. then before the morning he would climb back in his tank and close the lid. they said that on the last evening the lid must have closed behind him, thus he was not able to get back in and died on the floor.
I had a problem with a damsel being to smart, but an octupus would probably be way to much for me.