Does anyone keep a diary / notes?


Active Member
While looking at books at a LFS I noticed one that said Reef Notes. I opened it up and it was nothing more then blank pages with some headings to keep notes on.
I thought this was a great idea and started keeping notes on my own about how water conditions are, how my livestock is doing, ect.
I found that it is great to reflect back on some of the things I've done or added to the tank.
If you are not taking notes I highly recommend that you start. :D


I keep notes on everything, daily water temp, when I add something, levels etc. This way I can easily go back and trace any mistakes or items that may have caused a problem. I even log when I have added water, mostly because I am forgetful.
I agree, aquarium logs are very useful. One of the things I like is after a few years you will be able to recognise patterns. These can be both good and bad and allow you to plan for them. Maybe in the past 3 years the power has always went out the first week of January or the tempature in the tank always goes up the second week of August. Looking at your log (and keeping a detailed one)is definately a benifit not to mention a good way to meaure the success of your tank.


Active Member
I try to keep a log of every time I measure and/or add anything to the tank. It has been very helpful. Whenever I buy anything I record the price and where I bought it.


I just added the document I made for tracking stuff in my tank. Check out my site at and there is a link for Aquarium Log. It is in MS word format. I just punch holes and put it in a 3 ring binder and it helps me keep track of everything.


Active Member
Every year I buy a calender book and log everything I do and buy into it. I have my books back to 94 when I started this hobby big time. I find it useful and interesting sometimes when bored to go look back and see how bad I used to do things (like good wine I have got better with time).

the new guy

I have been using Reefcon 2000 by Infinity Software, it is a free download and there are some referance pictures to look at, I like it, you can go to their .com address and download it...


Active Member
I thought about a computer log and have found some available for free but frankly I find I can write it down faster then type it in plus it is all in the book. I do keep my fish inventorey on the computer tho where I can add and delete as needed.


I'm using what "The New Guy" uses. It's got lots of features that I use. I track information on my three tanks. I keep the references current by doing downloads when they've be added. Give it a look, it's free! One of the few things in this hobby, other than the enjoyment.


I do everything on the computer. I made an excel spredsheet where I keep all my data-water parameters, new additions, schedule for additives, etc. I used to keep a log book, but the computer is so much easier. Plus the graphs created from the data I enter, lets me actually SEE the water parameters and keep track of them(much easier to see patterns-incline/decline-at certain months of the year-i.e. temp levels). Thats what I do.--Bob