Does anyone keep fish in their refugium?


Active Member
I saw that maroon clown in one of the refugiums, but does anyone really put fish or other live inverts in their refugium?


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What's up Money?
I think I know who's fuge you're talking about. NMReef? His looked more like a display than most peoples displays!!!
I'd say as long as they don't pig-out on whatever you're trying to grow(like macro), then Go for it. I've thought of upgrading our lighing and trying to propagate some softies in our fuge.


Active Member
I am thinking of adding maybe a damsel in the refuge when I get it up and running or a clown gobies? Are you suppose to put snails and hermits in the refuge?


Active Member
That may just be a matter of preference, like the fish. The main function of the fuge is to isolate things from the main tank. I wouldn't think they were NEEDED to remove algae/nutrients-that's what the macro is for. (I'm assuming you're putting macro algae in there.)