Driven through it a couple of times. Big military influence - home to the Air Force Academy and NORAD. You get all four seasons (think snow). Looking on CNN Money, the median home prices are $179,500 to $265,929. It's Colorado. Think John Denver - Rocky Mountains, Pikes Peak, Garden of the Gods Park, Seven Falls, and Cave Of The Winds...
Sales Taxes
State Sales Tax: 2.9% (food and prescription drugs exempt); many cities and counties have their own rates which are added to the state rate. Total could be as high as 9.9%.
Gasoline Tax: 22 cents/gallon
Diesel Fuel Tax: 20.5 cents/gallon
Cigarette Tax: 84 cents/pack of 20
Personal Income Taxes
All taxpayers: 4.63% of Federal taxable income
Property Taxes
The county assessor determines the value of property using a market, cost or income approach. For 2008 property taxes on real estate are assessed at 7.96% of the property's actual value. You can determine your property tax bill by multiplying the assessed value by the local tax rate.