Does anyone know diet of RedFin butterfly?


I recently recieved 3 Beautiful fish from you yesterday Morning (7/06/07).
1. Banner Butterfly
2. Juv. French Angel
3. Red fin Butterfly
They are all very healthy, active, and colorful...

All are in a QT tank right now and will do Hypo soon after they start eating.
The Banner Butterfly is eating Everything Right away.

The french Angel is BARELY eating little pieces of Formula II flakes.

And the RedFin is NOT even looking at the food.

I tried Live Brine Shrimp, Forumula II Flakes all soaked in Garlic Xtreme.
But he (redFin) won't even look at the food. Does he have a specific diet I don't know about?
I'll try seeweed soak in Garlic today and see if I have any luck...
All are swimming around and very active so far.
I don't want them to die!!
Please help.


Originally Posted by Seattle
Uh oh Coral Polyp-eaters

if this is the case and you care about this fish enough then.......... buy a small coral polyp maybe to entice feeding


Seatle and Saltfish123,
Thank you very much for your quick response and advise.
So where can I get these polyps?
It has been 4 DAYS and still not touching any food.
I can't find any diet related info on the web about the Redfins..


Active Member
I can't find much info but if it is an obligate coral eater it has a very slim chance of survival in captivity, I take it you didn't research before buying? Banners are fairly hardy but do better in schools and some species eat coral, some don't, and french angels get huge, three feet or more. For the redfin you could try buying some sps coral for it to snack on but it's going to cost a fortune to keep up that diet, keep offering every kind of food you have and soak in selcon and garlic to hopefully get him interested in the food, I would try frozen mysis also. Good luck getting this one to eat but with no info on the web it's hard to help much.


Thank you again everyone.
Because of the lack of info on the web, it was hard for me to research this specific fish be4 purchase. (I had to quickly buy a 3rd fish to meet the $79 minimum price for Free shipping.)
The description on this site for the Redfin says Diet: Clam.
I will try that today.
I've tried...
Live brine shrimp
Frozen Mysid shrimps
blood worms
Formula Flakes
Angel food Sponges
Nori Seaweed
ALL Soaked in Garlic Xtreme.
And no luck

Wil any corals work? What is corol polyps? (Corals are like $50 bucks a pop!!)


Active Member
This is a fish that should not even be offered in the trade. To say it's diet consists of clams is very misleading. You can try a variety of foods, but my sense is the fish will eventually waste away and die. Doubtful many hobbyists can afford to offer a fish like this a steady diet of corals to eat.


sorry, but this fish is 1 in 100 live so maybe go to your lfs and see if they have any dying corals they want to give you , you can look for a medium sized coral polyp and put it in a seperate tank and possibly frag it and maybe feed it a little at a time and extend that 30-50$


Originally Posted by tranman777
Thank you again everyone.
Because of the lack of info on the web, it was hard for me to research this specific fish be4 purchase. (I had to quickly buy a 3rd fish to meet the $79 minimum price for Free shipping.)
The description on this site for the Redfin says Diet: Clam.
I will try that today.
I've tried...
Live brine shrimp
Frozen Mysid shrimps
blood worms
Formula Flakes
Angel food Sponges
Nori Seaweed
ALL Soaked in Garlic Xtreme.
And no luck

Wil any corals work? What is corol polyps? (Corals are like $50 bucks a pop!!)

Get some cheap Sun Coral and but it into the tank,and try to coax it into eating the garlic mysid,then coax to eat mysid.
Oh and coral polyps are "tentacles" of the coral.