Does Anyone Know How To Use a CO2 Regulator?


So here is the new problem. So I followed the direction and when I retighten the main black adjustment knob I will get CO2 to go to my bubble counter on the Reactor, BUT the CO2 escapes again from that hole.
Is this hole supposed to be pluged with something? I can uses my fingure and plug it and then the CO2 comes out5 like crazy and I assume that is when I need to do the fine tuning with the needle valve, but I can't since the CO2 is escaping.
Any ideas?


By any chance does this plug look more like a relief valve?
What is your tank pressurized to?
I'm wondering if the tank is pressurized above the regulator rating.
oh more thing....don't try to block the hole with your finger, you don't want to risk injury


THe high pressure gauge reads 900 PSI and the low end is actually looks brocken.
I would not say that it was made for a valve since there is not any screw threading for a valve to connect to.
You probably have the main regulator know turned up too high. Most you turn CCW to lower pressure.
I have it completely losses, which seem to make it so NO
CO2 flows through the solenoid and down the tube. The only way to mke the CO2 flow is when I start to tight the main valve at which point the "relief" hole opens up.
I feel like there maybe was a plastic plug for it that popped out or something.
Ok I probably wont be able to reply until late tonight. I'm a chef and have crazy hours. Thanks guys.


I found out that it is a M3 Regulator but can't find any company information on the Web.
If anyone has one of these and can give me the contact info that would be great. Now off to work.