Does anyone know Kim Bui?


Hey guys I'm kinda pissed right now because I think I got ripped off by someone on this site named Kim Bui from NJ. I donno the user name but she/he sent me an email saying she wanted to trade 25 pounds LR for a bunch of old stuff I had laying around. Though I wasn't using it I still had to pay for all 25 pounds of it to be shipped and I could have sold it for at least 100 bucks. She/he said they had a lot of extra live rock to sell for $2 a pound. I'm posting this for a couple reasons. 1 if anyone knows who this is please tell them I need my LR! 2 To warn people not to get ripped off. And 3 in hopes that Kim will decide not to rip me out of my money and equiptment. Supposably the LR was shipped out last week monday and shipped UPS 2day. When wednesday rolled around I email Kim for a tracking number and no email back, in the days following I emailed Kim several times with no responses and still no LR. -Greg


New Member
YOU GOT RIPPED OFF. I know because it happened to me also. He/she said they would sell me 50 blue leg hermit crabs for $40 including shipping so I sent it via paypal and never received and never replied to any of my e-mails. This was 2 weeks ago. Now I have a complaint with paypal that is still pending. When paypal asked for a tracking number for my dispute Kim Bui gave them the fedex tracking number from to him/her to try to delay my refund. This person is a scammer....BE CAREFUL.


yea you probaly got ripped off. Probaly a woman. I got ri pped off from her after paying 50 bucks fo the hemit crabs. Luckily paypal refunded me back


Active Member
It would probably help to give a screen name or paypal address, how will people avoid this person if they don't know any of this?


Active Member
Wow....thats a shame....I had a feeling that person might be a scammer when I first saw all the posts selling items and then one of some credit card scam. If I remember correctly I think BangGuy actually warned against sending Vs money. Good luck with everything.


Ya just wanted to help out...I didn't know andrewt was the same person...I almost made a deal with him too! Good thing I didn't. Hope there is somethin Beth can kick him off for. -Greg


Wait are you sure andrewt is the same person??? I don't think he is cuz I got a couple friends that have bought stuff from him and had it come...just really late. I think he may be trustworthy just take a while.


New Member
you are right, i am a scammer. one thing you need to know about. This email account and the and the paypal account had all been hacked. Yep, that means I am not even kim bui. I don't even know who kim bui is. I hacked into so many people's account because i sent them pictures of fish and whatever i was faking which were keyloggers, and yes ig ot this account. and if you are talkign about hack, please i can hack you if i wanted to. so get yo ur fact straight, i was reading all the messages on swf board, there is no kim bui
Steven Baldamy(real name)


Look I don't want you to hack me or anything but I gotta say one last thing. Everyone who shipped you money orders or equiptment now has your adress. They could easily bomb you, kick your ass, plant drugs in your garage or mailbox or somewhere and give the cops a call reporting you for drugs, and there's about a million other things they could do once they know your address. BTW I don't think reporting internet fraud will do any good cuz that just puts a warning out on a site no one ever visits. (I think)



Originally posted by Vs
you are right, i am a scammer. one thing you need to know about. This email account and the and the paypal account had all been hacked. Yep, that means I am not even kim bui. I don't even know who kim bui is. I hacked into so many people's account because i sent them pictures of fish and whatever i was faking which were keyloggers, and yes ig ot this account. and if you are talkign about hack, please i can hack you if i wanted to. so get yo ur fact straight, i was reading all the messages on swf board, there is no kim bui
Steven Baldamy(real name)

anyone who doesnt scan attachments and have a somewhat capable virus detection software shouldnt be online. also i highly doubt anyone here was "hacked". you may have punched letters and numbers til you hit someones p-word. and i certainly welcome you to try and hack me :0


Be very careful when dealing with this person. He stated in an email to me he is a scammer. He currently has $125 worth of equipment we were trading for live rock. He stated he has no live rock. We are very close to turning AndrewT aka Kim Bui over to the federal authorities to pursue prosecution.
The correct contact information listed for his shipping address is as follows:
Quyen T Bui (Actual real name)
1288 Carmen Ct
Toms River, NJ 08753
(732) 914-8980 (Give him a call)
Here's a snip of the email he delivered to me:
you are right, i am a scammer. one thing you need to know about. This email account and the and the paypal account had all been hacked. Yep, that means I am not even kim bui. I don't even know who kim bui is. I hacked into so many people's account because i sent them pictures which were keyloggers, and yes ig ot this account. and if you are talkign about hack, please i can hack you if i wanted to. so get yo ur fact straight, i was reading all the messages on swf board, there is no kim bui
Steven Baldamy
BTW this guy is no hacker so don't worry bout that. He simply trys to scare people away by saying he'll hack into their computer.


:mad: it makes me mad that people would do this. in my short time here everyone ive interacted with has been so nice and helpfull. Docta if you wanna goto his house let me know


Hah I would but I'm up in Michigan...Plus I think the feds are gonna take it from here for mail fraud (Ya it's a federal not state crime). -Greg


Hey,good luck!I got ripped of here by a guy and he flamed ME for being the bad guy.He got so out of hand they closed the posts.And,I have not seen him on here since.He always had someone follow up his posts,saying he is a good guy, and I got stuff from him to.Now,I am scared to buy/trade much here because of this.Scammers are everywhere.I always insist on pics and detailed descriptions now.As well as get feedback from others.It sucks that we have to have people come into our board to find people to rip off.It will all come back to get them someday.:yes:


Active Member
I've had someone federally charged on an ---- incident, it takes some work to get through it all, but it's worth it to those people who don't have the same thing happen to them. Keep fighting the good fight docta.


Ok thanks...I am currently consulting with the toms river PD and the Kalamazoo PD. Hopefully to shut this guy down for good. -Greg