Does anyone know the Algae Life Cycle in a reef tank?


yeah, consume and grow... depends on how much food and nutrients are available for it, what kind of algae is it?


There is a natural life cycle for the different type of algae that grows in our tank.
I think the first part is a light dusting of diatoms algae, I don't know the rest of the cycle.



Originally posted by organism
here's one for red algae:

Sorry I didn't make myself clear.
After you cycle your tank, a healthy tank has different types of algae that becomes present. New tanks will see Diatoms, after the diatoms are taken care of, a new type appears then disappear. As long as your tank stays healthy none of the algae becomes a problem but may appear. After all the types appear your tank is truly cycled.


After all the types appear your tank is truly cycled.
can't say I quite agree with that one, but I think it's diatoms, cyano, hair algae, and if it's my tank some nice dusting of bubble algae that you'll have to convince yourself looks nice because it takes a while to pull out by hand...