Does anyone know what this fish is????


I think this may possibly be a Remora but not sure. I have a friend wanting me to take this fish that was given to them when I get my bigger tank going. I'm not positive what it is and if I want it when we upgrade. My current fish are the humu, porcupine puffer, and choc chip starfish.



I haven't been able to find much about them, but from the search I have done on here everyone says no. Although I am not sure exactly why. The fish seems to be doing well in his tank and not bothering anything. Just pretty much sucks the glass, and eats but otherwise seems to keep to itself.


Active Member
Not to echo, but I don't know much about them either. They are not really what is considered ornamental saltwater fish, but I think he's beautiful. I've never seen anyone keep one in the home aquaria. Since they are not really predators, I would think that they would be okay with those fish
What are you feeding him?


Well I haven't took him yet but think he is a very neat fish. The only thing they have been able to get him to eat is frozen shrimp, doesn't seem to have intrest in anything else. It looks very cool when it swims around, but seems to spend a lot of time stuck to the glass. Whats really cool with his tank is seeing this fish and the star side by side stuck to the glass.


Active Member
I answered in another thread on this.
They get huge, they are voracious eaters once established, and they are not particularly interesting or attractive as they get larger. Most observers think they are giant freshwater plecos/algae eaters.
I've been bitten by one - not particularly pleasant. Unless you have a several thousand gallon tank (and I was bitten in a several thousand gallon tank) I wouldn't even suggest considering it. at some point it WILL outgrow nearly all hobbyists tanks, even if you have a 250.
They get very large. Truthfully, BIG. Not something to put in most tanks.
They normally attach to larger fish and hang on, in this case they just hang on to the glass.


Active Member
They are actually a perciform (perch like) fish in the Osteichthyes. They are considered commensals as the do not harm the shark or other large fish they hitch a ride on. They simply eat the scraps.


Active Member
Originally Posted by ophiura
They are actually a perciform (perch like) fish in the Osteichthyes. They are considered commensals as the do not harm the shark or other large fish they hitch a ride on. They simply eat the scraps.
also with rays right? They are very cool, but it seems this fish belongs only in the ocean...
Or public aquariums...


Active Member
In terms of what they are found associated with? Yes, big pelagic rays, turtles, whales, etc
This one may be Echeneis naucrates, which gets over 3ft long...


Yes you did answer on another thread. I posted that one prior to having pics and not being sure if that was the correct name of the fish. How long do they typically live?