does anyone know what this is?


I have tried to look them up online and have had no luck. They are brown, small, bubbles on the tips, and multiply rapidly. They really aren't doing any damage but i was just curious to find out what they are? Any help would be great thanks!
I have a rose bubble tip anemone which you can see in the background next to my black and white clown and I didnt think it was one of that species.


Majano anemones.....BIG PESTS
You can eliminate them a few different ways....Buy Joe's Juice, inject them in their mouth with lemon juice, or go to the store and buy pickling lime....make a paste, and inject each one with it
The last works for me....and it is very cheap to do it that way


with pickling lime, do use very little because they will affect your ph in larger dose.


Pardon my ignorance but why are they such a pest? Will they harm my bubble tip or any of my fish? Also do you know if there is a more natural way to get rid of them? Are there certain species of fish that will eat them that would be compatible with whats in my tank?( 4 rose bubble tips, 2 black clowns, 2 peppermint shrimp, and one spot foxface) I have tried chemical uses for different things in the past and it has harmed other things in the tank beside doing its intended purpose. Thanks!

mr. limpid

Active Member
They are pest do to the fact that they multiply fast and will kill off the wanted creatures we want in our tanks like your bubble tips. Yes there is a species of fish that will eat them, butterflies but they will also eat your bubble tip. They will probably eat the bubble tips first, because its like steak or hamburger, I would eat steak B4 I eat the hamburger. Plus I don't recommend buying a creature to rid your tank of anything, unless you wanted it in the first place.


Isn't a peppermint shrimp supposed to get rid of nuisance anemones? Well, I think you have to have more of a pack of them for them to attempt it actually, three or four.... But if you aren't interested in using chemicals I think you can also use a syringe and squirt lemon juice into them......


Originally Posted by meowzer http:///t/391202/does-anyone-know-what-this-is#post_3468137
Majano anemones.....BIG PESTS
You can eliminate them a few different ways....Buy Joe's Juice, inject them in their mouth with lemon juice
, or go to the store and buy pickling lime....make a paste, and inject each one with it
The last works for me....and it is very cheap to do it that way
Oops Meowzer, I should have read your post better. Sorry for repeating you.


Hey thanks for all of the good tips! I have done several treatments of lemon juice and some were killed and some were not. So I have resorted to using tweezers and pulling the remaining ones out. Also this may be a little off subject but you said that butterfly fish would eat the bubble tip anemone is that all species of the butterfly or just a few? I was thinking of getting a copperband, racoon, or a heinochus would any of these not be compatible? Thanks!


Well-Known Member
You have to stay vigilant. Sometimes you think they're dead and that they've turned into a pile of goop that there is no possible way that they can come back from. But they will surprise you. Hardy little buggers they are.
Peppermint shrimp seem to be hit or miss. I think they prefer certain types of pest anemones over others. I had at one time what I believe to be the typical glass anemones all over my tank. Got a pep shrimp and it cleaned my whole tank within a couple of weeks. It didn't seem to go for the bigger ones so I had to hit those with a paste. But he did a heck of a job keeping the tank pest free after that.


I agree about the peps.....they work great at controlling new pests....BUT do not care for the larger ones
I think you should get the pickling lime from Walmart....I'm telling's cheap and works!! just keep a good eye on the tank....they may pop up in various places.....especially if you tried to pull them out.......I believe they release spores and that will make more