Does ANYONE make a decent powerhead..:mad:


Active Member

Well, my 5 month old maxi 900 quit working. i have cleaned it, taken it apart several times, smacked it, begged it, pleaded with it, tweaked it, encouraged it, and called it names - all without improvement. Stupid thing just won't spin.... It appears the rubber bushing on the bottom that centers the impeller shaft has swollen (why?) and won't allow it to free spin.... I am debating about buying another impeller but the cost difference between the impeller and a new pump is about $5, so I might as well get a new pump...:mad:

This is not making me happy, at least my Rios would start up again with a good whack and one of them is over 3 years old.
I have two other maxis and they are running fine, so maybe it's just a bad unit.
It may be time to build a closed loop setup and toss all the powerheads.....


Active Member
Closed loop would be best. I am in the planning stages of mine. I have had good luck with the aquaclear Powerheads. I have some that are 12 years old, and still going strong. That said, they are bigger, and more obtrusive then powerheads by other brands.


I would try soaking the impellar in vinegar and giving it another try. I like my maxijets. I could be wrong but I think that the rubber part that centers it is supposed to be tight. I had a similar thing happen and it's been fine since.


Active Member
I put a Maxi Jet 1200 in my tank about two weeks ago, and a few days ago just stopped working the other day showing the same symptoms you described. For what it's worth, this Maxi came in a green box (manufactured since the Aquarium Systems buyout) rather than the old pink/purple (or whatever colors) box.


Quality of maxi-jets have really went down hill it seems since the buy out. Sucks, just be glad it wasn't a tunze that went bad! Ouch, they are pricey