Does anyone own a Boxfish?


I bought a small boxfish about 3 weeks ago-he is the cutest fish with a personality-are these fish common and does anyone else own one??


Active Member
I don't think too many people have them. They get to be well over a foot long and if they die in your tank they take everything else with it, cool fish but better left in the ocean, IMO.


I am aware of the toxin thay excrete if they die or get really stressed out. I'm sure it will take him awhile to get huge. He's in a peaceful tank so he dosent stress out. He pretty much eats what ever food I put in the tank-he needs to have his "greens" though. He eats krill, frozen brine shrimp cubes and flake food. My humu humu and my boxfish eat off of the same cube of frozen food that I put in there. They're both about the same size.