does anyone run a miracle mud/caulerpa system?



i am getting this system setup with a tank 60"x24"x302 and have been told i will need a sump that is as big as the cabnet will hold! does anyone have a miracle mud system with caulrpa? if so do you recomend it and what are your nitrates sitting at?


I have a 125gal with a 55gal sump/fuge that I am using the miracle mud/grape caulpera ( I also have a ls with rubble lr section that I will have cheato in when I finally find some
) The cycle was fairly quick, only 10 days to go from Amm. >5 to Trates < 10. So far I have had no issues with trates or algae blooms but then again I just started stocking with fish (4 Firefish) because I was spending all my money on lights, skimmer and other equipment. After the cycle was over I tossed in some Astraea's and Nass snails, added a few scarlet/Hawaiian/blue legged hermits and 2 medium sized emerald crabs. I do 10-15gal water changes every week and so far have never had any Trates register on my tests.
Now as far as recommending it...well I think that it is something that you have to decide on your own. If you search around the different boards on user experience with it you will find a lot of people who have never used it saying it is crap, you'll find some that have used it but have claimed that 'it' caused an algae bloom (some people like to point fingers everywhere but in the mirror), then you have some that are happy with using it but for some reason don't really say much about it. Like everything in this hobby there is pros and cons to using things. I am using it because I plan on having a heavily stocked reef and think that the added trace elements will help the corals. Take a look at what your plans are for your tank, do some research on the stuff you want to keep, do more research and then make a choice.
Hope this helps you some and maybe some people that have actually used it longer than me ( approx 3 months ) and not just a bunch of naysayers with no basis for spewing a bunch of hearsay reply.


Active Member
i have heard miracle mud is just expensive garbage that is not necessary.
all you need is the finest grain LS you can find, and create a DSB with it. (research Deep Sand Bed) , bsaically get about 4" of this sand and have no sand sifting creatures and never stir up the sand bed. this makes a nitrate - fixing sand bed , and you put your macro and LR rubble on top of that.
the larger the fuge, the more effective it will be, so if you want to over-stock your tank, this will help make that possible.


great replyies thankyou, anyone else have experience with it?


Active Member
miracle mud is good for reeftanks as it slowly adds back into the system trace elemets that are getting consumed ny your corals My friend maintains a 1500g reef and uses miracle mud and cheato with just waterchanges he likes the setup and reccomends it. I personally havent used it but it is not really much different than using LS in your sump except sand doesnt put trace elements back into your water.