does anyone turn off power heads at night?


I was told by lfs that you should turn off power heads at night because in the ocean the current is less. Anyone do this or not do this? Thanks! And good news this morning, rite is 0, ammonia is 0! :cheer:


Active Member
I don't and never have, some people have powerheads on a wavemake and it can either slow them down or stop them at night. It certainl couldn't hurt, if you were going to do it, I would put them on a timer so you don't forget to turn them back on.
That is great about your readings. Sometimes freaking out and doing a bunch of things to your tank during a mini spike can do more harm than good. Also having good quality test kits is very important


I hooked my lights up to a timer last, and I almost did the power head but then second guessed it and wanted to ask here.
I am so happy about my reading! :jumping: I did a water change about 20% and that is what helped. I was hoping since my reading weren't that high that I could solve the problem pretty easily.
Now I think I will wait a week and add some more cleaning crew. I was thinking two cleaner shrimp, 10 blue legged hermits, 5 turbo and 5 glass cleaners (as per mamma's suggestion) oh I’d also like to get a lawn mower and at some point a lettuce nubi. I'd love any suggestions! Right now my cleaning crew is 2 glass snails, 3 hermits and one fire shrimp.


Active Member
this is only my personal preference, but I don't really like to put any crabs in my tanks, They just seem to eat the snails even if you have plenty of shells for them to move into. I think snails do a better job than crabs,
I like:
Nassarius snails (eat leftover food and keep sandbed stirred)
Cerith Snails (general all around good cleaners)
Astrea snails ( algea eaters)
Turbo snails (the large ones, only get a couple of these).
Shrimps are great for cleaning up leftover food and adding color and character to the tank.
Good luck with your tank Suzi


Active Member
At night after the lights are out, photosynthesis and the release of oxygen stops but cellular respiration would still continue, which would give off carbon dioxide. Therefore, I think there should still be a lot of circulation in the water to help get O2 in and CO2 out by means of diffusion. Just my opinion.