Does anyone use regular water???


Does anyone use just regular tap water and treat it with a dechlorinator? I will be running a 75g and have not installed a R/O unit as of yet. I live in the country and have a well that right out of the tap, has no trites and trace trates. Is there anyone that has had good luck not buying water from a pet or grocery store.


I use well water also. No trites or trates but alittle phosphate. I can't afford a reverse osmosis unit at this time but i found a deionizer unit that is working nicely.


Thanks so much for the comment. I am in your boat and would like to start slow know that I will be spending money in the future.


Active Member
No one cares joker were not all rich like you!
I use tap but my tap is really good. I still am going to get a phophate filter and a tap filter just sound of mind I guess.


New Member
i use water from the tap but i do use chemicals to make it work for me. although my phosphates are still around 1 its still doable. ro units are exspensive treated tap water is still ok


i plan on using my berkey-light for my salt water fish tank. The Purification Elements will remove up to 99.9999999% of unwanted and unhealthy contaminates this also includes
Unpleasant taste and odors, cloudiness, silt, sediment and chlorine.
Toxic chemicals: Trihalomethanes, VOCs, detergents and pesticides.
Harmful microscopic pathogens: Cryptosporidium, Giardia, E-coli and other pathogenic bacteria.
Heavy metals: Aluminum, Cadmium, Chromium, Copper, Lead, and Mercury.
Radiologicals: Radon 222
THis stuff is in your tap water... The Berkey Light is so powerful it can be used to purify raw, untreated water from remote lakes, streams, stagnant ponds and water supplies in foreign countries, where regulations may be sub-standard. ANd i wonder how long these clown fish will live with this healthy water :D YOu can get your self a berkey at


New Member
A local fishkeeper uses a 6' long piece of 4" dia. PVC pipe filled with charcoal with the ends capped off. There is an in on one end and an out on the other. Running the water through this filters out most of the impurities but still needs dechlorinization. This works pretty well and it's not expensive to make. Although you must not run the water too fast or it doesn't filter good.


Active Member
I saw how to make it all it is is burning wood down with regulating the air flow so it has huge amounts of holes so it is realy porus. The only thing is when you mash it down the a powder the water just barely trickles through it but it will remove dye from water! But can you imagine how long it would take to make 5 gallons for a 10% water change "just for me!"

salt phish

i always steal the water by breaking into seaworld...... I am currently looking for an acomplis to help me get a orca for my 55......


salt pay my way and I'll help ya!
BTW......I use tap in the country, so it's well water. Works fine for me. Not spending money on water.......uh uh..nope.:D


Well if you have no nitrates or nitrites your all set.
Your water is fine but there are just a couple of things you should test for to be sure...
Amounts may be small but evapoiration top off's will continue to add bits and bits... so the tests I recomend, in no particular order are...
And your "Stress-Zyme" should take care of the chloromines, ammonias, and chlorides.
Yeah, I'm thinking that by the time you get all those tests you may as welll have just bought an RO unit.:)
But seriously, you don't wanna spend a fortune on your fish and corals just to risk losing them to impure water. A very preventable accident.


If you cannot afford an RO unit, your in the wrong hobby!!
4 good fish will cost the same as an RO unit. I just bought one outa the classifieds on this board, 5 or 6 stage unit (haven't looked yet) only paid $75 for it. I have paid more for a single coral!!