Does anyone use tap water

zack schwartz

Active Member
I have benn using tap water for all my tanks sevral fresh water a fo and a reef. Nothing is wrong with any of the tanks. Could it be that its okay to use tap water for water changes since its always fine. Never had it tested. <img src="graemlins//yeahright.gif" border="0" alt="[yeahright]" />


I wish you luck, but i think its a matter of time before it catchs up to you, meaning minnerals in the tank will accumulate. ex copper


Active Member
I do... no significant problems. Most of my limiting problems are due to my CC, not the use of tap water.


Active Member
I used tap water for years (7 to be exact, with a conditioner), until i had a huge nitrate spike and algae out break. I bought an RO system and the problem has gone away.


tap water quality varies from place to place...depends on it's source & your pipes...most people don't invest in RO unit so iether use available tapwater or get thier water from LFS if offered usually $0.99 a gallon...some which "claim" they use RO water for thier tanks just like lot of bottled water vendors "claim" they use spring water...have your local water tested or enquire as to it's source...


Picked up an RO/DI 4 stage filter on E-Bay for $124.50.Couldn't believe I got it at that price.Tap water will catch up to you,I promise.


Tap for me. I got tired of the hassel of bottled DI water and said enough. If this hobby was going to require that much work I'm out. Since I switched to tap my tank has been beautiful. Took care of all my algae problems.
<a href="" target="_blank"></a>


I have heard to many crazy stories abour tanks crashing. For my 55 I buy 5 gallons of RO water from ym LFS a week and avoid ever having any of these problems. Yeah it costs be two dollars a week but I avoid paying thousands in dead corals and dead fish. Tap water has alot of toxins that eventually will make a tank crash.


i use tap for monthly water changes, but make my all my top offs with bottled distilled. i still use dechlorinator, and still keep some copper remover in my filter, just in case... was thinking of getting an ro/di unit off ----, i see goldrush got one too. i wasn't sure it was decent quality being so cheap. are you happy with yours goldrush? anyone else bought one off ----? the one i want is from waterfiltersolutions on ----. <img src="graemlins//confused.gif" border="0" alt="[confused]" />


Active Member
Good point golfish.
I top off 1 gallon a day on my 75 reef tank.
That's roughly 365 gallons of freshwater added to the system per year, not including water changes which will add/substract any nasty's found in tapwater.
As golfish stated, and in my case - 365 gallons evaporate - potentially leaving behind most ALL residual particles and/or contaminants.
I use RO/DI


This is another debate for the ages. Just like what skimmer, what supplaments, what lights. Water quality varies from place to place, and may have more or less "undesireable" elements in it. I think it really depends on your specific water. To say that all tap water is bad and will crash your tank is rediculous. With the exception of copper that is. Heck we dump all kinds of supplaments in our tanks, many of these elements are at many, many times higher than NSW. I don't think silicates and phosphate are bad in moderation, yes it helps grow algae, but when we scrape it off the glass aren't we feeding our tank? I'm not saying that bad things won't build up and bad things happen, but there are literally thousands of folks who have very healthy tanks and have never used anything but tap water. Test it, and make your own decision. But don't just buy off on the old "Your tank will crash it you use it."
Devil's Advocate here. :D

richard rendos

Active Member
I use tap go through my RO/DI unit.
I used to use tap water, but had a lot of algae problems...RO/DI no more problems. I guess it depends on your city's tap water and how dirty it is.


Very happy with RO/DI unit I purchased at E-Bay . 4 stage for 124.50=20.00 shipping.Can't beat it.It's still being offered,a friend bid on one yesterday.


I use r/o water purchased at supermarket I always test it before using it as i,ve read stories on here before about water being purchased being high in ammonia.


Your municipal water authority should be able to provide you with the additives that are used in the system. Phosphorous will increase the chance of algae blooms. I simply use a tap water filter (so does my LFS), but we have very high quality water in my area. Distilled water should already be dechlorinated so you shouldn't need to add anything to it (besides the bubbling effect when you pour it into the water removes the chlorine - that's why sinks have airators on them). Most systems don't use chloramines anymore (used to bond chlorine to the water). Check with your municipality first. Then make the decision.

zack schwartz

Active Member
The people who go to there lfs to buy are lucky. I am 13 so NO car and my parents re not thrilled to take me there. So usally I can only use tap water. :(