Does anyone use tap water


I think I saw the Seattle Aquarium is selling their surplus filtered seawater, same that they use. It's like a nickel a gallon if remember right. Might be easier than the LFS depending on where you are.

zack schwartz

Active Member
Thanks for your idea but it is not. I live Bellevue so I would have to go over lake Washington. But thanks for your idea!!! :(


I think most tap will be ok. Test it of course, especially for nitrates and phosphates. As long as you understand that what you keep then may be limited--alot of fish are hardy enough to adjust--but some along with most inverts will not I don't think. Like dave said though, water quality is different everywhere.

zack schwartz

Active Member
Test for this test for that... How many different test kits are there? Anyway I will see about these test kits. Thankyou everyone!