Does anyone WANT a rock with aptasia ?

Willing to trade a rock of equal weight for this rock of aptasia. Rock weighs in somewhere around 10#. (Red slime not there anymore)
Here's a pic ...
I'm not really expecting anyone to want this, but you never know ...
Sorry, peppermint destroyed alot last night. Going to give them a couple of days and see what happens. Id be glad to send you some of the aptasia though.


The peppermint should clean it up, and if not, get a syringe filled with freshwater, and inject it into them. You can get syringes at a drugstore for a couple of bucks.
The peps have made a dent, I'm going to give it a day or two and if they don't do much more, they rock will find a new home.
For those interested, email me so I can contact quick !!! :D
The particular rock in question here sprouted now 3 feather dusters, 2 peanut works and 2 bristleworms. So, I cannot part with it now. Although, I would be happy to send a small frag to you with aiptasia to "seed" your tank if you would like. I will need to clean up the red slime first though. email me and we'll talk ...


Active Member
I've heard if you inject them it might force them to release more spores into the water. That's just hearsay though.:cool:


I just have one question here Mike- WHY IN THE WORLD WOULD ANYONE WANT A FRAG OF AIPSTASIA?????!!!!!????:confused:


Mike, That rock looks familiar!!! Anyway, you can inject it with freshwater, the peppermint shimp will eat it, or a copperband butterfly feeds on it well too.
Frogger - I know. But some do.
PBega - Yep. Not parting with that exact rock anymore, you gave me some pretty cool hitchhikers on it ... now 3 featherdusters, 2 bristleworms, 2 peanut worms, and a place for pods to reproduce. This post was originated BEFORE I found everything.
I have tried the kalk injection with limited success. There are 3 peppermint shrimp in there now. It seems they have more fun chasing the pods around then eating tha aiptasia, but they have eaten some.
You gave me some REALLY good rock PBega !!! I am using in my 20g soon-to-be reef.