Does anyone watch Soaps?


Active Member
I either watch or tape Days of Our Lives, I'm ready to stop watching it again. It's starting to get on my nerves, again...
Every couple of years I quit watching it, then I start again and guess what I can pick the storey line back up lickity split...
Just wonder if anyone else watchs? Lisa


Active Member
OMG....I watched that in college. Then I stopped. Then I started again and picked right back up by tapping it everyday.
Then I stopped. THEN after many years, right before xmas I got sick for a few days and watched it out of boredom. Same names, different faces and everybody was killed. :notsure:
I was getting my oil changed :rolleyes: and the TV was on in the wating room and Marlana was coming after Gma Horton :mad: . Whats that about. Then today after my grandpas funeral
I didn't feel like doing anything I turned it on again, and Marlana is acting like nothing is wrong and Sammy is constantly taliking (I kept thinking she needed to shut up) :nope: Now............they will drag Marlana's innocence out for 6 months and THEN probably blame it on John



i think some one should knock sammy in the head and throw her over the bridge some where im tired of hearing her whine about john being stephnos killing machine and her mom being innocent


I've been watching General Hospital since I was 13!!! I have a tv in my office & as long as I'm not meeting with a client I watch it! I guess you could say I'm addicted:D


Active Member
John is going to get all the blame! Too bad Marlana and Sami both didn't die when she fell! Poor Bell, do you think Shawn will forgive her, if not Philip is waiting in the wings. I'm thinking it''s time for a break.....
I used to love GH, til I found Days...


Active Member

Originally posted by Watergal
I've been watching General Hospital since I was 13!!! I have a tv in my office & as long as I'm not meeting with a client I watch it! I guess you could say I'm addicted:D

i always watched the ABC soaps with my mom if i was home from school sick or something. back then general hospital was only a 1/2 hr! when it switched to an hour i would catch the last half of it with her when i got home. been watching ever since. since i am home, i just leave the tv on, so i definatly watch them all. there was a short period i didnt watch GH and that was when luke came back as his cousin or something. that was a while back.
but i am addicted too :yes:


i am sooo addicted. i schedule my day around days if im not gonna be home around lunch time to watch it i make sure im home at 6 to catch it. i remember when i was in like in first or second grade i used to play sick so i could stay home and watch days.
what does everyone think that marlenas excuse is gonna be
i am thinking it is gonna have something to do with that pillow that stephno left to her in his will a long time ago. cause it said something about doing something to her in her sleep or something like that. i cant quite remember.


Staff member
Ladies, ladies, ladies :thinking: How can you watch such trash??
Anyway, there's enough soap opera going on in the Shark Tank with Tommy and He Bangs.
BTW: Anybody know the lastest scoop with Luke and Laura?


Active Member

Originally posted by Beth
Anyway, there's enough soap opera going on in the Shark Tank with Tommy and He Bangs.



Active Member

Originally posted by Beth
Ladies, ladies, ladies :thinking: How can you watch such trash??

hey, its not trash, more like comedy sometimes

i could tell ya about luke and laura, but i'm not gonna


Active Member
OMG, will it never end? (Salem stalker)
And how about Lucas and Sami, I've been saying for months these two will get togther, enough with the dreaming, just do it already..:jumping:

tahoe ocean

for a great soap, go over to reef forum and read either of the two threads about put up or shut up....
I just call them
As The Kalk Drips
Like skimmate through the skimmer, so are the tanks of our lives....


Active Member

Originally posted by Wrassecal
Now that one I'm up on but, I thought it was
"The Bold and the Beaslbob"

i thought it was "All My Plants"