Does carbon affect ph?


I am having ph problems in my tank at work. Not sure why, I never have problems at home. Different water source and I have cc at home and sand at work. Also used a different brand of sea salt. Well I use proper ph as needed. I like to run carbon is this affecting my ph any? I do run carbon at home also.


Hi Denise,
I would wonder at the water source and the salt then. Maybe that kind of salt doesn't buffer as well. I've used a couple different kinds of salt and always came back to Instant Ocean, for reasons just like this. The carbon won't affect your ph, it can't bind the things that affect ph in any real volume. food for thought. cheers, Dave ;)
I am not sure, but some advertisers run ads that say, "....and will not affect your Ph." So I can only deduce that yes, indeed, carbon must in some way affect Ph. But how much I don't know. I have always used Matrix Carbon, by Seachem, which clearly states in its ad that it "won't affect Ph."
My .02


I usually test about once a week, sometimes more often if things seem fishy .. this time and several other times is has dropped to 7.8 It responds well to proper ph but I'd love to know what to do to make it naturally stay up. I don't know about the lights issue. I didn't know that affected it. I can test tommorrow and let you know. Though after proper ph today I doubt we see anything tommorrow. So maybe Monday or Tuesday would be better.