does carpet anenome have to be fed fish?


Active Member
I was told that a carpet anenome did not have to be fed fish . If not then what do I feed him or does he have to be fed at all? Again told that he would do fine w/ elements found in the water and brine shrimp soaked in selcon, which hw does get. So far he seems to be doing fine . Not much on the internet about them.

mr hanky

they dont need to be live but you should most definatly feed your carpet some kind of krill,clam,silverside,fresh seafood from your local grocery store. you ll be much happier with his apperance and health. so will your carpet. hth


Active Member
I buy a bag of fresh mussels at the grocery store, only costs $3. Feed my carpet one whole thawed mussel twice a week. I have to keep the aquarium tongs in there to keep the shrimp off while it is wrapping up the mussel. I place the mussel very close to the mouth. When you see them eat then you can easily see how if they are hungry they would eat one of your fish that got too close and stuck on it!:eek: :eek: Here's mine