does caulerpa can help stopping the growth of hair algae??

caulerpa observe nitrates rite?? my 40 gallon tank is having a hair algae breakout and if i plant a lot of caulerpa it will help to control the hair algea rite?? some one please correct me if im wrong thax

nm reef

Active Member
Caulpera can and will remove excess nutrients that hair algae needs to thrive. But the caulpera needs to be exported(removed on a regular basis)...personally I would not suggest using caulperas in the display for the purpose of nutrient removal. These macro algaes can over run a system in no time....I'd look at setting up a refugium/sump where the caulperas are isolated and can be harvested as needed. :cool:


The caulerpa will be difficult to control in the main tank. It will serve the same purpose in a refugium with some other added benefits. Once it gets going in the main tank, it will wrap up and over the rocks, into the sand and over the corals.


Any suggestions on a refugium for a 37 gal reef? I would like a hang on of some sort....


I have a 45 and used one side of the sump for one. Just a possibility, and definately a cheaper route to go.


jeg- I have also heard of people using an aquaclear 500 by removing the filter media and putting the algae in it, I'm not really sure what you would do for lights though- but it would definitly be cheap, simple, and big enough for a 37 gal, just another idea