Does Consistant Lighting Hours Make A Huge Differense?


I am have a 29 gallon reef with only green bubble tip anemone and 2 clowns and a small cleanup crew. does it make a huge difference if i have the lighting exactly for 12 hours every day? i usually try to make it close but sometimes the lights are on for 12 hours a day, sometimes their on for 10, does it make a big difference to make sure they are always on for the exact amount of time? i haven't purchased the timers


Get the timers. You might also consider lowering the lighting time gradually to 6-8 hours. I think 12 is overkill and you might end up with a lot of algea.


Active Member
Originally Posted by SaGxMAN
Get the timers. You might also consider lowering the lighting time gradually to 6-8 hours. I think 12 is overkill and you might end up with a lot of algea.
I run all my lights 14 hours a day 500w metal halide on a 75, 440w VHO on a 55g and soon 220w and 180w on my frag tanks, algae is only a concern if there is fuel for them (nitrogenous compounds, phosphates etc) 98% of the time if there is a problem its water chemistry, the rest of the time its mechanical.


is it true that corallife compact flouresent lighting is insufficient for my 29 gallon tank with 1 gbta, i understand that it might not be the best, but it is going to kill the little guy due to lack of proper lighting?


Active Member
Originally Posted by kylecorson
is it true that corallife compact flouresent lighting is insufficient for my 29 gallon tank with 1 gbta, i understand that it might not be the best, but it is going to kill the little guy due to lack of proper lighting?

Compact flouresent are the worst out to the 3 types of lights but in a small tank with high wattage you should be able to keep it. how many watts is the light?


Active Member
130w powercompacts are sufficient for the tank if your going to do a softie tank, but unfortunatly IMO not enough light for the anemones long term survival. anemones are basicly limitless in lifespan, AKA we have no clue how long they can live before they die of old age, they dont age like we do and seeing anemone over 100 years old is not uncommon in the wild.