Does copper do this ..



I knew it. I didnt want to give un-sure information out. To someone thanks though.


Active Member

Originally posted by exile415
does copper kill parasites ?

It kills Inverts...ICH and other parasites are inverts...
So are stars, crabs, shrimp, etc...So it will kill all those as well.


What is the purpose of this board? I thought it was to answer questions. IMO, a very large proportion of the questions which are posed on all of the forums have been answered in some way or another at one time or another.
The question wasn't "does it kill ICH" anyway, it was "does it kill parasites". Aren't there parasitic infections involved with fish keeping as well?
Forgive me, and flame me if you must, but you sounded pretty antagonistic in your responses. If you think a question is a waste of time, why bother to respond?
P.S. I have not always had the best of luck with the search function. Maybe I'm just not that computer savy.


I think it's a 'student' thing, not all students, but many on here have come up with a smart as$ answer to any and everything I have posted. A few others and I are emailing, and they have said this very thing, Apparently us mature adults are just a bunch of dumb old people, unlike the kids who play swf experts.
Just my opinion cuz I am sick of being flamed by kids.
Now, go ahead and flame me again.....with much pleasure.:yes: